Introduction to Citizen Problem Reporter

ArcGIS Enterprise (10.9.1)    |    |  

Citizen Problem Reporter can be used to solicit non-emergency problem reports (for example, blight, graffiti, trash, potholes, clogged drains, and flooding) from the general public.

It provides 24/7 access to an organization and the location-enabled problem reports helps efficiently triage reports to the correct person or department responsible for its resolution. This accelerated approach improves the quality of life in a community and reduces long-term asset maintenance costs. Citizen Problem Reporter is typically implemented by planning departments, public works agencies, utilities, and other local government organizations that want to take a data-driven approach to asset maintenance or code enforcement.

The Citizen Problem Reporter solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you solicit reports from the public, manage the response to each report, solicit feedback from the public after addressing a report, and monitor the resolution of nonemergency reports in a community.

Deploy now

This ArcGIS Solution can be deployed in your ArcGIS organization.

See Deploy an ArcGIS Solution for more information.


Citizen Problem Reporter requires the following:

  • ArcGIS Enterprise
  • ArcGIS Survey123 Connect

Information products

Citizen Problem Reporter includes the following information products:

ItemDescriptionMinimum user type

Citizen Problem Center

An ArcGIS Hub site used by the general public to learn how they can report a nonemergency problem to help improve the community

Not required

Citizen Problem Reporter

A Crowdsource Reporter app used by the general public, or local government personnel, to submit nonemergency problems in their community

Editor (required for government personnel only)

Citizen Problem Satisfaction Survey

An ArcGIS Survey123 form used by the general public to report their satisfaction regarding the service requested

Not required

Volunteer in Your Neighborhood

An ArcGIS Survey123 form used by the general public to volunteer to help their community

Not required

Citizen Problem Manager

A Crowdsource Manager app used by local government personnel to triage submitted problem reports and update the status of each report as needed


Citizen Problem Dashboard

An ArcGIS Dashboards app used by local government personnel to monitor nonemergency problems submitted by the general public


When you deploy this solution in your ArcGIS organization, you also get an ArcGIS Solution item that organizes the key information products and summarizes all the ArcGIS items (applications, forms, projects, maps, feature layers, feature layer views, and so on) included with the solution. The ArcGIS Solution item also illustrates any dependencies items have on each other.

Release notes

The following are the release notes:



  • First release of Citizen Problem Reporter