Configure Crime Analysis

ArcGIS Enterprise (10.9.1)    |    |  

The Crime Analysis solution can be deployed in your ArcGIS organization. After deploying the solution to your organizational portal, download, install and configure it to meet the needs in your organization.

Download and install Crime Analysis solution

The Crime Analysis solution includes the Crime Analysis Add-In, ArcGIS Pro project, sample data and maps you can use to explore common crime analysis workflows. Before you begin, you will need to download the file containing the ArcGIS Pro project and Crime Analysis add-in. After this file is downloaded to your computer and extracted, you can install the add-in and open the ArcGIS Pro project.

If you are upgrading from a previous version (2018.6.26 through 2019.10.16) of the Crime Analysis Add-In, then skip to the Upgrade Crime Analysis Add-In (optional) section. If you are using it for the first time, follow the steps below to download and install the Crime Analysis solution.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and click Content at the top of the website.

    If you downloaded the solution directly then skip step 4.

  2. Click My Content tab, and then click on to open the item page.
  3. Click the Download button and browse to a folder on your computer.
  4. Extract
  5. Browse to the CrimeAnalysis folder where you extracted the file.
  6. Double-click CrimeAnalysis.esriAddInX to run the installer.
  7. Click the Install Add-In button.

Upgrade Crime Analysis add-In (optional)

The current version of the Crime Analysis add-in includes significant updates from versions 2018.6.26 through 2019.10.16. If you are migrating from one of these versions, you will need to get familiar with the Crime Analysis ArcGIS Pro project and the Crime Analysis Add-In. See the Migration workflows from previous version section below to understand these changes prior to installing the new version.

Note: When you upgrade, the previous version of the add-in and tools will be removed. You will need to update any automated scripts or documented workflows. You can install the new version of the Crime Analysis Add-In on another computer to limit the impact to your daily work while you are updating any automated scripts or workflows. Learn more about how to remove your add-in here

Confirm your current version

Before you upgrade to Crime Analysis version 2020.12.17 or later you will need to confirm the version you have currently installed.

To verify the version currently installed use the following steps:

  1. Open any ArcGIS Pro project and click the Project tab on the ribbon. Alternatively, on the ArcGIS Pro start page, click Settings in the lower left corner.
  2. Click Add-In Manager then click on Crime Analysis.
  3. In the Add-Ins tab of the Add-In Manager. The Add-Ins tab will provide the version information.

    If your version is 2018.6.26 through 2019.10.16 then you will also need to consider migrating your scripts and workflows using the Migrate workflows from previous version section.

Install new Crime Analysis add-in

To upgrade from a previous version of the Crime Analysis add-in that is installed on your computer, you will need to follow the steps below to overwrite the installed add-in with the new add-in.

  1. Close all ArcGIS Pro applications.
  2. Browse to the CrimeAnalysis folder
  3. Double-click CrimeAnalysis.esriAddInX to run the installer.
  4. Click the Install Add-In button.
  5. Open ArcGIS Pro.

Migrate workflows from previous version

Crime Analysis add-in (2020.12.17) has a significant number of updates. Specifically, several geoprocessing tools have been replaced, new tools have been added, and the solution user interface has changed. Review the changes below before migrating your workflows from a previous version.

User interface updates

The Crime Analysis ribbon now uses the analysis tool gallery interface design to organize all analytical geoprocessing tools in the solution. Within the gallery area, the tools retain their groupings (for example, tactical and strategic analysis) from previous version of the solution. The new ribbon design allows more space-efficient presentation of additional analytical tools on the Crime Analysis solution ribbon.

Geoprocessing tool updates

Many of the customized geoprocessing tools originally deployed with Crime Analysis solution have been updated to use system tools that are installed with ArcGIS Pro.  These tools can now be found in the Crime Analysis and Safety toolbox in the geoprocessing pane, and are available to all users of ArcGIS Pro. As part of that process, the names and functions of tools have changed slightly to conform to ArcGIS Pro standards. In addition, several new system tools that are relevant to crime analysis workflows have been added to the solution.

Crime Analysis tool updates

The chart below outlines the names of the original tools available with the Crime Analysis add-in version 2018.6.26 through 2019.10.16, that have been migrated to new tools in version 2020.12.17, and available in the updated Crime Analysis add-in.

Old ToolNew Tool New Tool Changes

80-20 Analysis

80-20 Analysis (Crime Analysis and Safety toolbox)

Labeling is no longer applied by default.

The parameter minimum cluster size is no longer configurable.

The parameter attributes to preserve is replaced by output fields in the new tool.

Extract Date Parts to Field

Add Date Attributes (Crime Analysis and Safety toolbox)

Updated and simplified parameters.

Import Cell Records

Cell Phone Records to Feature Class (Crime Analysis and Safety toolbox)

Updated and simplified parameters.

Import Cell Sites

Cell Site Records to Feature Class (Crime Analysis and Safety toolbox)

Updated and simplified parameters.

Features To 3D By Time

Feature to 3D By Time (Crime Analysis and Safety toolbox)

The tool licensing requires ArcGIS Desktop Basic, Standard, or Advanced license. The 3D Analyst licensing has been removed.

Space Time Comparison

Find Space Time Matches (Crime Analysis and Safety toolbox)

Labeling is no longer applied by default.

Updated and simplified parameters.

Repeat Call Patterns

Generate Call Links (Crime Analysis and Safety toolbox)

Labeling is no longer applied by default.

Updated and simplified parameters.

Incident Path

Generate Origin Destination Link (Analysis toolbox)

Updated and simplified parameters.

Different default symbology.

Descriptive Statistics Charts are automatically created.

Generate Sector Lines

Generate Sector Links (Crime Analysis and Safety toolbox)

Updated parameter names.

Append Attributes From Polygon

Join Attributes from a Polygon (Crime Analysis and Safety toolbox)

Updated and simplified parameters.

The overwrite matching fields in Target Point Features parameter is no longer available.

Density Change

Minus (Spatial Analyst Toolbox)

The Minus tool is part of the Spatial Analyst toolbox requires a Spatial Analyst license and applies a different default symbology.

Incident Sequence

Points to Track Segments (Intelligence Toolbox)

Updated and simplified parameters.

Output features are time enabled by default.

Sequence points are no longer created default. Output sequence points location is an optional parameter.

The Grouping Field parameter has been renamed to Group Field.

Select by Date and Time

Select Layer by Date and Time (Crime Analysis and Safety toolbox)

Updated and simplified parameters.

Incident Count

Summarize Incident Count (Crime Analysis and Safety toolbox)

Added support for point in the Input Features parameter

Labeling is no longer applied by default.

The Category Field parameter has been renamed to Group Field and now requires an ArcGIS Desktop Basic license.

The tool licensing requires ArcGIS Desktop Basic, Standard, or Advanced license. Parameter specific licensing has been removed.

Percent Change

Summarize Percent Change (Crime Analysis and Safety toolbox)

Added support for point features in the Input Features parameter.

Labeling is no longer applied by default.

The tool licensing requires ArcGIS Desktop Basic, Standard, or Advanced license. Parameter specific licensing has been removed.

Configure Record Import (Addresses), Configure Record Import (XY), Import Records

Update Features With Incident Records (Crime Analysis and Safety toolbox)

The Update Features With Incident Records includes all of the functionality of the Configure Record Import (Addresses), Configure Record Import (XY), and Import Records tools.

Note: The Export Near Repeat Calculator Table tool, Repeat and Near Repeat Classification tool, and Calculate Prediction Zones tool have not changed and are installed as part of the Crime Analysis add-in and have not been migrated into ArcGIS Pro.

Automate Geoprocessing Tools (optional)

All geoprocessing tools can be scheduled to run automatically on your computer using the scheduling capabilities in ArcGIS Pro or Windows Task Scheduler. Scheduling frequently run tools can improve productivity by reducing manual steps the analyst has to take during their daily work or in creating routine products. For example, by scheduling the Update Features With Incident Records tool to run nightly, their main datasets can get geocoded and updated into a web layer overnight, so the analyst has fresh data ready to use when they arrive in to work. Likewise, for analysts preparing monthly Compstat reports, Kernel Density or other hotspot tools can be automated to run on a monthly schedule to simplify the process of preparing the Compstat report.

Disable the Crime Analysis ribbon

The Crime Analysis ribbon is automatically added to your projects when you install the Crime Analysis add-in. To disable the Crime Analysis ribbon, follow these steps.

  1. From an open project, click the Project tab on the ribbon. Alternatively, on the ArcGIS Pro start page, click Settings in the lower left corner.
  2. Click Options then click on Crime Analysis.
  3. Disable the Show Crime Analysis tab, click OK and the back arrow.

When the Crime Analysis ribbon is disabled it will no longer appear in ArcGIS Pro, but the tools will appear contextually in various locations throughout the ArcGIS Pro user interface. For example, on the Analysis ribbon, users will see a Crime Analysis button listing all the solution tools.


Learn more about how to remove an add-in.