Set report options

AllSource 1.3    |

Report options are application settings to specify the default location of the folder that contains custom templates and set how many pages to load when previewing a report. This setting applies to all your projects.

Follow these steps to change the default report settings:

  1. Click the Project tab and click Options.
  2. On the Options dialog box, under the Application heading, click the Report tab.
  3. In the Custom template path text box, type a new folder location. Alternatively, click the Browse button Browse to browse to the new folder using the Custom Template Path dialog box.

    The default setting is C:\Users\<name>\Documents\ArcGIS\ReportTemplates.


    If the default folder does not already exist, it is created when one of the following conditions is met:

    • You visit the Report tab in the project options.
    • You open the Create New Report pane for the first time.
    • You save a template for the first time.

  4. Choose how many pages to load by default using the Number of preview pages drop-down list.