Task history

AllSource 1.3    |

History and tracking information can be enabled for the tasks that are run in a project. Task tracking information is recorded in a task history table. You would enable task history in your project to ascertain the following metrics:

  • Identify the most commonly used and least commonly used tasks.
  • Identify the average time it takes to run a task.
  • Compare how long it takes to run a task against the average run time of the task.

As a task administrator, you would enable task history to identify the following information:

  • The most commonly used and least commonly used tasks
  • Which users use which tasks
  • The number of times a task is used by a user
  • The adoption rate of a task over a period of time
  • The average time it takes to run a task for cost analysis purposes
  • How modifications to tasks affect task efficiency (run time)

Enable task history

Task history is tracked in a table that is created and stored in a geodatabase. Task history is enabled when a project is associated with a task history table. To create a task history table for your project, do the following:

  1. Click the Project tab and click Options to open the Options dialog box.
  2. Choose Tasks under Project to set project options for tasks.
  3. Under Task History, check Enable Task History.
  4. Browse to the geodatabase where the task history table will be stored and choose <Create History Table> from the Table drop-down list.
  5. Click OK to create the table and add it to the Contents pane.

  • Multiple task history tables can be created in the same geodatabase, but the project can only reference one task history table.
  • The same task history table can be referenced by multiple projects.
  • The default name of the task history table is TASK_HISTORY. You can modify the table name and add your own fields to the task history table.


    If you change the schema of the table (delete or rename existing tracking fields), the use of the table as a task history table becomes disabled.

  • To open a task history table, expand the geodatabase in the Catalog pane, right-click the task history table and click Add to Current Map. In the Contents pane, right-click the table and click Open to view it.

Task history table

Task tracking information is recorded in the following fields in the task history table:

Field NameAliasDescription


User ID

The ArcGIS Online user name or system login user name.


Project Name

The name of the project. The same task history table can be referenced by multiple projects.


Task Item ID

The ID of the task item (GUID).


Task Item Name

Task item name.


Task Item Version

Version number of the task item.


Task ID

The ID of the task (GUID).


Task Name

The name of the task.


Start Time

The time the first step of the task was executed.


End Time

The time the last step of the task was finished or the time the task was aborted.


Duration in seconds

The total run time of the task (excluding idle time).


Workflow Manager Job ID

The ID of the job in Workflow Manager.


Task Completed

Set to true (1) if the task was completed.