Configure a web link chart

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When you share a web link chart, the configuration you select on the Link Chart tab of the Share As Web Link Chart pane determines the types of new web layers that are created in your portal along with the web link chart. Before you share the link chart, you can see the web layers that will be created, change some of their properties, and reorganize them by splitting or combining layers.

This workflow explains how to change the default configuration of web layers in your web link chart. To begin the sharing process, select an initial configuration, analyze your web link chart, and share your link chart, see Share a web link chart.

Configure web layers in a web link chart

The configurable properties of each type of web layer are different and are not discussed in detail here. Each web layer type has a configuration topic you can refer to for more information as follows:

  1. If necessary, open the Share As Web Link Chart pane.
  2. In the Share As Web Link Chart pane, click the Configuration tab.
  3. Click the Input Layers tab Input Layers if necessary.

    The web link chart and new web layers that will be created are displayed in the pane.


    Click the Existing Content tab Existing Content to see any layers in your link chart, such as basemaps, that are existing web layers.

  4. To configure a web layer, click to select it and click the Properties button Configure Web Layer Properties. Alternatively, right-click the web layer and click Configure Web Layer Properties.

    The following tabs appear on the pane:

    • General—Change the web layer name, its item information, and the portal folder where it will be stored.
    • Configuration—Configure properties that vary according to the web layer type.
    • Content—View the layer content that will be shared.

    If you share to an ArcGIS Enterprise portal, click the Configure Web Layer Properties button Configure Web Layer Properties on the Configuration tab to access the web layer properties.


    The configurable properties of a web layer may be constrained by the configuration you select on the Link Chart tab. For example, editing is typically a configurable property of a web feature layer; however, it is not available if you select the Copy all data: Exploratory configuration.

  5. When you finish configuring a layer, click the Back button Back at the top of the pane.

Split and combine web layers

If you select a web link chart configuration that references registered data, the feature and raster layers in your link chart are grouped as sublayers in a single map image layer. If you choose the Reference registered data: Editable configuration, a web feature layer containing the feature layers is created in addition to the map image layer.

If you select a configuration that copies data to the server, the feature layers in your link chart are grouped as sublayers in a single web feature layer. The raster layers in your link chart are grouped as sublayers in a single tile layer.

You can split and combine layers to get more control over the web content that is created. For example, instead of creating a single web feature layer with two sublayers, you may want to create two separate web feature layers. Your decision to split or combine layers depends on whether you want the content to be available as separate layers on the web.

  1. In the Share As Web Link Chart pane, on the Configuration tab, click the Input Layers tab Input Layers.

    If necessary, click the Back button Back at the top of the pane to return to this pane state.

  2. To split a web layer, select one of its sublayers and click Split Split.

    You cannot split the first sublayer in the group. If you are sharing to an ArcGIS Enterprise portal with the Reference registered data: Editable configuration, you split the map image layer, not the associated web feature layer. (However, splitting the map image layer also splits the web feature layer.)


    If you change the configuration of a web layer before you split it, the changes are not applied to the split layer. For example, if you set the Time zone property of a web layer and then split one of its sublayers, the sublayer that you split will have the default time zone setting of <None>.

  3. To combine web layers, press the Ctrl key and click to select two or more layers of the same type. Click Combine Combine.

    In most configurations, web layers must be adjacent to be combined. This requirement does not apply to the Copy all data: Exploratory or Copy all data: Editable configurations. In configurations that reference registered data, two map image layers with associated feature layers are considered adjacent even though a feature layer appears between them.

    If you are sharing to an ArcGIS Enterprise portal with the Reference registered data: Editable configuration, you combine map image layers, not their associated web feature layers. (However, combining map image layers also combines their associated web feature layers.)


    If you combine web layers that have been configured differently, the configuration of the topmost web layer is preserved.