Display a presentation in full screen

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A presentation can be displayed in full screen to deliver your GIS story or summary update to your audience. Presenting in full screen can also be a way to test your presentation to ensure your page experiences are how you want them. This may mean confirming any hidden slides you want to omit from the final presentation, verifying the applied transitions or timed playback for your pages, and confirming map layer visibility is up to date.

Before presenting, consider what aspect ratio is best for the pages to fit the display screen. By default, a 16:9 ratio is used for a new presentation, but you can pick from other common ones or customize your own. You can also choose from a list of monitors available to display the full screen pages on. On the Presentation tab in the Page Setup group, use the Aspect Ratio drop-down menu to change to another size, or click Customize to configure your own. The last three custom entries are saved in the list.

Start a presentation

To present a full-screen presentation, do the following:

  1. If the project contains multiple presentations, ensure the presentation to display in full screen is the active view.
  2. On the Presentation tab in the Playback group, click the drop-down menu for the Full Screen button and set the display screen.
  3. Select the start page for the presentation.

    Full-screen mode starts from the selected page.

  4. On the Presentation tab in the Playback group, click the top part of the Full Screen button Full Screen, or use the keyboard shortcut Alt+F to begin presenting in full screen mode.
  5. Progress through the pages using the following options:
    • Use Next Page Next Page and Previous Page Previous Page on-screen buttons in the lower corner of the full screen display. This gives you manual control to advance pages by mouse clicks using the on-screen playback buttons.
    • Use right and left arrow keys for keyboard control to move to the next or previous page.
    • Allow preconfigured page properties for automatic page advancement to playback the presentation pages. Pages will automatically advance to the next page after a set duration on the current page. Video pages need to be set to automatically advance with a time greater than the video duration.

    When you manually advance after the last page, full-screen mode closes.

  6. Click Esc to exit full screen mode at any time during the presentation.

    A presentation persists the current page when a presentation is stopped. Resume the presentation by pressing Alt+F or click the Full Screen button again from the Presentation tab.

Interact with a presentation

You can interact with some pages by pausing the playback experience or, in the case of maps, you can explore by navigating or opening pop-ups.

The following are ways you can interact with your presentation and still resume the flow of the presentation.

  • Press the Spacebar or click the Pause button on the full-screen view to pause playback anytime during a video page. This also applies to any page configured with an Advance Page After duration. This gives you time to pause the page if your audience needs more time to engage or discuss.
  • Map pages are immediately available for you to interact with. The Explore tool Explore Tool is active and navigation keyboard shortcuts apply to the full-screen view. You can pan, zoom or, in 3D, tilt the angle of the camera perspective.
  • Use the Explore tool Explore Tool on a map page to click any feature and open the pop-up window to display attribute information.