Work with map pages

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You can include any of the maps and scenes in a project as pages in a presentation. This provides geographic context for a presentation by showing the GIS information and data you are working with. Map pages in a presentation can share GIS updates in a timely manner, such as on-demand status for an active fire perimeter or the latest analytical results for an ongoing project.

Map pages fill the screen when they are displayed in full-screen presentation to maximize the amount of spatial content included as you present. Each map page includes spatial, temporal, and range extents, allowing you to move to specific places in space and time as you progress through a series of pages. Map pages also store layer visibility so you can control which layers to show on each page. For example, map pages could show monthly earthquakes for the Circum-Pacific Belt, compare different construction plans for a neighborhood in Seoul, or follow the progression of a train journey through Switzerland.

When a map page is presented in full-screen mode, you can click a feature to display a pop-up. Map pages support overlay elements to include a title or supporting text, graphic shapes, and images to your page.

Add a map page to a presentation

Map pages reference an existing map or a scene in a project. Any changes made to a referenced map or scene, such as choosing a different spatial reference or changing the symbology of a layer, are reflected in the map page in a presentation.

When a map page is added to a presentation, it uses properties from the map to define the starting state for that page, including layer visibility and view extent. These properties can be overridden for individual pages. You can add a sequence of map pages that progress through a story by capturing new pages as you pan, zoom, or switch the display of visible layers.

Add a map from the project as a map page in the presentation using the following steps:

  1. Click the presentation view to ensure it is the active view.
  2. On the Insert tab in the Page group, click Map New Map Page to open the gallery of available maps.

    The list includes a category for each map in the project and a choice of one or more starting extents. Each map shows a separate icon for its default extent, the current extent of each open view of the map, and all the bookmarks stored with that map. All the extents include the spatial extent plus any temporal extent and range extent, if it is defined. Use the All drop-down menu to filter the gallery list by a specific map.

  3. Choose the map view, scene view, or bookmark view for your map page.

    The map page is added to the Contents pane for the presentation after the current active page and becomes the new active page. You can drag a page up or down the list to reorder it.

  4. Optionally, activate the map to change the extent of the map page as described in the section below.
  5. Optionally, change the visible layers for the map page as described in the section below.

Activate a map page

By default, the Select tool is the active tool for a presentation page. Use the Select tool to select elements on the page and pan and zoom the page in the view. For a map page, you can activate the map to navigate within the map without changing the page position and zoom scale. In an activated 3D scene, you can change scene effects, including visual effects, camera effects, and postprocessing effects.

To activate a map page so you can interact with the map, do the following:

  1. Ensure the map page you want to activate is the map page in the view.
  2. On the Presentation tab in the Navigate Map group, click Explore Explore Tool.
  3. Alternatively, right-click the map and click Activate Activate.

    A banner appears at the top of the view to indicate you are in an activated map state for the page. You are no longer interacting with the page but instead the map with the Explore tool active.

  4. Exit the activated mode by clicking the Back button Back or the Close button Close in the upper corners of the view. The extent changes are applied and you are returned to the page without the map activated.

When working with an activated map, and the Explore tool Explore Tool is active, you can use navigation keyboard shortcuts.

Set the visible layers for a map page

Map pages store layer visibility for the presentation so you can decide which layers are displayed. Follow these steps to set layer visibility:

  1. In the Contents pane, click the Element Order tab List By Element Order to show the tree view list of the presentation pages and the elements, and map layers each map page contains.
  2. Expand the node list for the map page to see the list of layers in the map.
  3. Use the check box next to the layer name to check or uncheck the visibility of the layers in the map page.

Add a sequence of map pages using the same map

Sometimes you need to add a sequence of map pages based on the same map. For example, your presentation could require zooming to different locations around the map, or moving through time for an area of interest, or stepping through a set of alternatives for a proposed project plan. In these cases, you can append a new map page each time you update the spatial, temporal, or range extent of an existing map page.

To create multiple map pages in a sequence using the same map, do the following:

  1. Select an existing map page from the Contents pane.
  2. In the presentation view, right-click the map and click Activate Activate.
  3. Navigate the map using the Explore tool or navigation keyboard shortcuts, or the time slider and range slider if these properties have been configured for the layers in the map.
  4. Click the Create new map page from the current extent button New Map Page on the banner at the top of the activated map.

    A new map page is added to the presentation in the Contents pane and is now the currently active map page. The map is still activated so you can continue to navigate and add map pages.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to create as many pages as needed.
  6. Click Back Back or Close Close to exit the activated map mode and return to the page to apply the changes for the last map page in the sequence.

    You can return to any of the newly added map pages to make further adjustments to the map's extent and layer visibility properties.

Update the reference map for a map page

You can update which map is referenced for a map page. For example, the referenced map could have been removed from the project, or you might have an updated map that has more layers or improved cartography. Once a map source has been updated, any previously defined extents and layer properties are not maintained, as the data and project of the new map can be different from the original.

To update the reference map for a map page, do the following:

  1. Select the map page in the Contents pane for which you want to update the reference map, right-click and choose Properties. Press Ctrl to select multiple map pages you want to make the update to.
  2. In the Page Properties pane, expand the Source drop-down list and choose a replacement map.
  3. Click the Apply button in the Page Properties pane.

    All the selected map pages now reference the new map.