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Configure ground

The Ground is an important element in your scene, as it describes the topography of your scene and is often used to place other content on it. A global or local scene contains a predefined elevation surface layer called Ground that cannot be removed. Elevation surface layers are composite layers that contain one or more elevation source layers. The default elevation source layer for this surface is a cached elevation image service in ArcGIS Living Atlas called Terrain3D. If you are not connected to the internet, the Ground elevation will be 0. You can configure the default elevation surface layer as part of your organization's settings in Portal for ArcGIS.

Visual representation of layering to create Ground

In both ArcGIS Pro and Scene Viewer, you can modify the Ground by adding more elevation source layers. The following datasets can be added as an elevation source layer to the Ground elevation surface layer:

Supported elevation sourceData location

Raster dataset

File on disc

TIN dataset

File on disc

Web elevation layer

Portal item

Web imagery layer

Portal item

Cached elevation image service

ArcGIS Server service

Web coverage service

ArcGIS Server service


You can configure appearance properties for the ground elevation surface layer or custom surface layer on the Elevation Surface Layer tab. To access this tab in ArcGIS Pro, click Ground or the name of the custom elevation surface layer in the Contents pane and the tab appears in the ribbon. Because Ground represents the surface of the Earth, you can apply navigation rules to it. By default, navigation below ground is disabled. It is often unnecessary to go below ground and can be disorientating when you go there by accident. If your scene contains data that belongs underground, such as subsurface utility pipes or geological features, you can enable below-ground navigation in ArcGIS Pro as well as Scene Viewer.


ArcGIS Pro allows you to create custom elevation surface layers that are not currently supported in Scene Viewer.


Appearance properties may not be supported in all clients. The following table lists supported clients for each appearance property:

Appearance propertySupported client

Ground color

ArcGIS Pro, Scene Viewer

Vertical exaggeration

ArcGIS Pro

Navigate underground

ArcGIS Pro, Scene Viewer

Apply flat shading for tin data

ArcGIS Pro

Shade relative to light position

ArcGIS Pro

Exclude from integrated mesh

ArcGIS Pro

You can share a web scene with these appearance properties set but unsupported properties will be dropped when the web scene is opened in Scene Viewer.

ArcGIS help documentation

Reference material for ArcGIS products: