在创建工程时,GPS 位置将存储在图像图层中并显示在地图上。 图像查看器可用于查看与每个 GPS 位置相关联的图像。 由此能够从不同的角度以及以图像的原始分辨率查看影像中的要素。 选择图像后,可以对图像进行缩放和平移以查看该图像,并找到最佳角度来检查感兴趣的区域或项目。 要突出显示图像中的感兴趣区域,请使用注记工具来标记图像并导出带有注记的图像,以快速共享或包含在报表中。
Use the Image Viewer
If you're using the Inspection template, the Image Viewer automatically appears when processing finishes. For other types of projects, click an image point on the map to open the Image Viewer. Click an image point on the map to select an image from your collection or highlight it in the image carousel at the bottom of the Image Viewer.
When you create a project, Drone2Map creates a thumbnail of each of your images. If you click an image point to open the Image Viewer before all of the thumbnails are created, the image carousel does not appear. Once the thumbnails are created, the image carousel appears and all thumbnails are updated.
Use the built-in map controls or your mouse wheel button to zoom in and zoom out of the selected image. Click the Home button to zoom to the full extent of the image.
As you click images in the image carousel, the corresponding image point on the map is highlighted. Clicking an image point on the map displays the corresponding image in the image inspection window and highlights that image in the image carousel.
Annotate images
To access the annotation tools, click the edit button below the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons. Use the following tools to create and manage annotations in the Image Viewer:
- Color picker—Click the Color drop-down arrow to select the color for the annotations.
- Point—Click Point and click the image to create point annotations on the image.
- Line—Click Line and click the image to create line annotations. Consecutive clicks create multiple line segments. Double-click to finish the line.
- Circle—Click Circle and click and drag the pointer on the image to size and shape the circle. Release to complete the circle.
- Polygon—Click Polygon and click the image to create polygon annotations. Each click creates a vertex for the polygon. Double-click to finish the polygon.
- Text—Click Text and click on the image where you want to place the text. Type the text in the text box and press Enter to finish.
- Remove—To remove annotation from the image, click Remove and click the annotation to remove it.
- Export—To save an image and its annotations as an external file, click Export, name it, select the file type, and click Save.