Installing and managing data packs

Enterprise 11.4 (Windows)   |

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Business Analyst Enterprise content is organized into bundles called data packs. The United States data pack includes Esri demographic variables at multiple geographic levels, including; consumer spending, tapestry segmentation, market potential and business summaries. Point data is included for business locations.

Installing the data packs is the final configuration stage before Business Analyst Enterprise is ready for operation.

Downloading the USA data pack

Starting at 11.1, you have the option to install multiple vintages of data to GeoEnrichment Server. This option is currently available for the Esri 2023, Esri 2022, and Esri 2021 data sources. The data sources are available as data pack download files in 7_zip format. Each data pack includes two files totaling 15GB. You must download both files for the data to unzip correctly. If you do not have 7-Zip installed on your device, you will need to install the software

To install the Esri 2023, and optionally the Esri 2022 and 2021 data packs, complete the following steps for each data pack.


After unzipping the 7-Zip files do not extract This compressed zipped folder is the full data pack structure that is installed using the data management wizard.

  1. On the My Esri site, click My Organizations then click Downloads.
  2. Verify that you are in the Products section. In the Quick Search text box, enter Business Analyst or Business.
  3. Look for ArcGIS Business Analyst Enterprise with 2023 U.S. Data and ensure the latest version is used. Click View Downloads.
  4. Click the Download Components tab then click Data and Content to expand the list of files.
  5. Locate #1 Business Analyst Enterprise 2023 Data (U.S.A) and click Download.
  6. Locate #2 Business Analyst Enterprise 2023 Data (U.S.A) and click Download.
  7. Locate Business Analyst Enterprise 2023 POI Data (U.S.A) and click Download.
  8. The Destination Folder for Files dialog will appear. Keep the default location or click Browse to choose a different location.
  9. Right click and click 7-Zip > Extract Here.

    You will only need to extract from the first compressed file ( The extraction process automatically extracts and reassembles Files 001 and 002 to create the full 2023 U.S. data pack. Do not attempt to extract File 002.
    Once the files are extracted you will have a compressed folder called This folder will remain zipped and will be installed in the next step.

Installing data packs

The GeoEnrichment Data Management Utility installs the data pack, creates performance indices, publishes demographic feature services and map services and restarts the GeoEnrichment Server.

Data packs come in zip archive format. Copy the compressed folder to the machine where GeoEnrichment Server is installed. This folder should remain zipped. When adding the data packs, browse to the compressed folder—as illustrated in step 4 below.

  1. The Data Management Utility will automatically launch after the environment configuration. It can also be found as a start menu shortcut. Click Next.
  2. Enter the credentials for a built-in portal administrator such as the initial administrator account. Click Next.
  3. Select the Add data packs to the GeoEnrichment Server option and click Next.
  4. Perform the following substeps to install the contents of the zip file:
    1. Click Add (top right corner).
    2. Browse to the location of the data pack zip files for the USA 2023 and USA_DataAxle_POI 2023 data and add both files.

      The data pack descriptions and paths are displayed in the wizard.

    3. Click Next.
  5. Select the countries you want to install. For the USA data pack, United States is selected by default. Click Next.

    The World Global data pack is installed by default and assists in determining the country of location for analysis.

  6. Review the changes and click Install.

    A details page will provide a summary of the progress. A link to a log file is provided if there are any unexpected warnings or errors.

  7. Click Finish to close the data management utility.
  8. Anotação:
    Installation time estimates are based on installation of data packs to a solid-state drive. The amount of time will vary depending on hardware, for example, if installing a data pack to a hard disk drive, it will take much longer (12 hours or more for the USA data pack). Do not stop the installation if it takes longer than the estimated time.

Data pack management

Viewing data packs

The data management utility provides an option to view all the countries installed to Business Analyst Enterprise.

  1. In the Start menu, search for GeoEnrichment and click on GeoEnrichment Data Management Utility.
  2. The GeoEnrichment Server data management utility workflow opens with a welcome page. Click Next.
  3. Provide the credentials for the Portal for ArcGIS administrator user. Click Next.
  4. Select the View data packs installed on the GeoEnrichment Server option and click Next.

    A list of installed data packs on the GeoEnrichment Server is displayed.

  5. Click Finish to close the GeoEnrichment Data Management workflow or click Back to return to the page to choose an action.

Removing data packs

The data management utility provides an option to remove data packs installed to Business Analyst Enterprise.

To remove data packs from Business Analyst Enterprise you will perform the following steps.

  1. In the Start menu, search for GeoEnrichment and click on GeoEnrichment Data Management Utility.
  2. The GeoEnrichment Server data management utility workflow opens with a welcome page. Click Next.
  3. Provide the credentials for the Portal for ArcGIS administrator user. Click Next.
  4. Select Remove data packs from the GeoEnrichment Server option and click Next.

    A list of installed data packs is displayed

  5. Select the data packs you wish to remove or check the Country check box to remove all data packs. Click Next.
  6. Review the changes before removing remove the data packs from GeoEnrichment Server. Click Remove.

    A status bar is displayed, showing additional details.

  7. GeoEnrichment Server has completed removing data. Click Finish to close the workflow.

Install GeoEnrichment data silently

The instructions below describe how to install GeoEnrichment Server data silently from the command line.

  1. Open a command shell and browse to the directory where ArcGIS Server install is located.
  2. Run the setup silently at the prompt. Sample syntax:

    <ArcGIS Server Installation Directory>/tools/geoenrichment/manageData.bat install -dp /data/

    The parameters of the command line tool are as follows:



    List installed on server or available in data pack countries or regions


    Install countries or regions


    Remove specific countries or regions


    Remove all install countries or regions

    -b; --batch-mode

    Run in non-interactive (batch) mode

    -c; --country <country>

    Country or region

    -dp; --datapack <datapack>

    Data pack

    -h; --help

    Show command line syntax help

    -l; --log

    Log File directory

    -p; --password <password>

    Portal administrator password

    -t; --directory <directory>

    Temporary directory

    -u; --username <username>

    Portal administrator username

    -y; --yes

    Automatically answer yes for all prompts

Next step

Installing the Business Analyst web app