The Settings section is the first tab in the data manager. You can manage the following in this section:
- Urban model name
- City name
- City logo
- Default view
- View the coordinate system of the urban model
- Schematic visualization layers—Existing buildings, existing trees, basemap
- Realistic visualization layers—Reality mesh, existing trees, basemap
- Ground—Elevation layer
- Other layers—Custom base layers
- Street-level imagery
- Initial visualization
- Display configuration
To get to the Settings tab of the data manager, click the Manage button in the upper right of the header in the overview.
- You must be signed in to see the Manage button
- Only the urban model owner can edit the general settings.
Configure general settings
In the General section, you can configure the name of the urban model, the name of the city, a URL pointing to a city logo, and the default view. The default view represents the initial map view when opening an urban model. You can also switch to the default view by clicking the Zoom to default view button in the overview.
You can configure the Urban Model name and the City name settings independently from each other:
- Change the urban model name to rename the urban model item, the urban database, and urban database view items.
- Change the city name to edit what is displayed in the overview’s header.
To configure the default view, complete the following steps:
- In the overview, browse to a view.
- Click the Manage button
at the right of the header in the overview.
- Click the Settings tab of the data manager.
- In the Default view section, click the Set current button.
View the coordinate system
You can view the coordinate system of an urban model on the Settings tab in the data manager. The coordinate system is defined when creating the urban model and cannot be changed. See Understanding local and global urban models to learn more.
To view the coordinate system, complete the following steps:
- Click the Manage button
at the right of the header in the overview.
- Click the Settings tab of the data manager.
- Browse to the Coordinate system section.
The coordinate system of the urban model is described with the name and the well-known ID (WKID).
Configure 3D base layers
You can configure the following 3D base layers:
To learn more about 3D base layers, see Use 3D base layers.
The 3D base layers must be in the same coordinate system as the urban model. You can view the coordinate system in the general settings of the data manager. See the View the coordinate system section above to learn more.
Manage schematic visualization layers
In the Schematic visualization section, you can configure the Existing buildings, Existing trees, and Basemap layers for the schematic visualization. You can also reset your custom layer configuration to the default values.
Add a layer
For each layer you want to add, complete the following steps:
- Hover over any of the three Schematic visualization layer tiles.
- Click the Select item button
to select a layer.
The selection dialog box appears.
- Click the layer you want to use to select it and click Select.
The layer is added to the layer tile.
When selecting a basemap, keep the following in mind:
- Only items from your organization's basemap gallery or ArcGIS Online basemaps can be selected. See the Configure map topic of the ArcGIS Online documentation to learn more about configuring the basemap gallery.
- Only items that intersect with the extent of the urban model can be selected. See Define content extent in the ArcGIS Online documentation to learn how to set the extent of an item.
Remove a layer
For each layer you want to remove, complete the following steps:
- Hover over any of the three Schematic visualization layer tiles.
- Click the Remove item button
The layer is removed from the layer tile.
The default basemap cannot be removed.
Reset to default values
Global urban models in Web Mercator include a set of default schematic visualization layers.
To reset the current schematic visualization layer configuration to the default values, complete the steps below.
The Reset to defaults option is not available in local urban models and global urban models in WGS84 or CGCS2000. See Understanding local and global urban models to learn more.
- Scroll to the Schematic visualization section.
- Click Reset to defaults.
The following default layers are restored:
- Existing buildings—OpenStreetMap 3D Buildings
- Existing trees—OpenStreetMap 3D Trees (Thematic)
- Basemap—Light Gray Canvas
Manage realistic visualization layers
In the Realistic visualization section, you can configure the Reality mesh, Existing trees, and Basemap layers for the realistic visualization. You can also reset your custom layer configuration to the default values.
Add a layer
For each layer you want to add, complete the following steps:
- Hover over any of the three Realistic visualization layer tiles.
- Click the Select item button
to select a layer.
The selection dialog box appears.
- Click the layer you want to use to select it and click Select.
The layer is added to the layer tile.
When selecting a basemap, keep the following in mind:
- Only items from your organization's basemap gallery or ArcGIS Online basemaps can be selected. See the Configure map topic of the ArcGIS Online documentation to learn more about configuring the basemap gallery.
- Only items that intersect with the extent of the urban model can be selected. See Define content extent in the ArcGIS Online documentation to learn how to set the extent of an item.
Remove a layer
For each layer you want to remove, complete the following steps:
- Hover over any of the three Realistic visualization layer tiles.
- Click the Remove item button
The layer is removed from the layer tile.
The default basemap cannot be removed.
Reset to default values
Global urban models in Web Mercator include a set of default realistic visualization layers.
To reset the current realistic visualization layer configuration to the default values, complete the steps below.
The Reset to defaults option is not available in local urban models and global urban models in WGS84 and CGCS2000. See Understanding local and global urban models to learn more.
- Scroll to the Realistic visualization section.
- Click Reset to defaults.
The following default layers are restored:
- Existing buildings—Empty
- Existing trees—OpenStreetMap 3D Trees (Realistic)
- Basemap—World Imagery
Configure an elevation layer
In the Ground layer section, you can configure the Elevation layer.
For global urban models in Web Mercator, the World Elevation Terrain service is used by default. For local urban models and global urban models in WGS84 and CGCS2000, you need to configure a custom elevation layer to display the ground in 3D. See Understanding local and global urban models to learn more.
Add a layer
To configure a custom elevation layer, complete the following steps:
- Hover over the Elevation layer tile.
- Click the Select item button
to select a layer.
The Select elevation layer dialog box appears.
- Click the layer you want to use to select it and click Select.
The layer is added to the layer tile.
Remove a layer
To remove a custom elevation layer, complete the following steps:
- Hover over the Elevation layer tile.
- Click the Remove item button
The layer is removed from the layer tile.
The default elevation layer cannot be removed.
Configure custom base layers
In the Other layers section, you can configure custom base layers. Custom base layers allow you to enrich the overview in ArcGIS Urban with additional layers.
Add a layer
To configure a custom base layers web scene, complete the following steps:
- Hover over the Custom base layers tile.
- Click the Select item button
to select a layer.
The Select custom base layers dialog box appears.
- Click the web scene item you want to use to select it and click Select.
The web scene item is added to the layer tile.
Remove a layer
To remove a custom base layers web scene, complete the following steps:
- Hover over the Custom base layers tile.
- Click the Remove item button
The layer is removed from the layer tile.
Configure street-level imagery
In the Image provider section, you can enable or disable the street-level imagery mode for a global urban model in Web Mercator. See Use street-level imagery to learn how to use it.
The street-level imagery functionality is not available in local urban models and global urban models in WGS84 and CGCS2000. See Understanding local and global urban models to learn more.
Turn on the Mapillary toggle button if you have an API key configured to use street-level images provided by Mapillary. Once you have an API key, you can add it in the corresponding field.
If you provided imagery to Mapillary, you can also filter the images by organization key.
Learn more about obtaining a Mapillary API key and adding imagery to Mapillary.
Configure initial visualization
In the Initial visualization section, you can configure the schematic visualization or the realistic visualization as the default when ArcGIS Urban starts.
- Click the Manage button
at the right of the header in the overview.
- On the Settings tab, browse to the Initial visualization section.
- Choose Schematic or Realistic as the default visualization for the existing buildings.
- Schematic is selected by default.
- Click Realistic for the reality mesh existing buildings layer to be displayed by default.
Configure a parcel label
You can configure a CustomID label for parcels. This label is displayed in the parcel explorer in the overview as well as in the parcel inspector in the plan editor rather than the CustomID string.
To configure a parcel label, complete the following steps:
- Click the Manage button
at the right of the header in the overview.
- On the Settings tab, browse to the Display configuration section.
- Provide a string value in the Parcels CustomID label text box.
Copy an urban model
You can create a copy of an urban model with a selection of plans and projects. You can also copy an urban model into a different coordinate system. See Understanding local and global urban models to learn more about the coordinate system of an urban model.
The copy includes the following:
- General urban model settings
- Selected design plans and projects
- Projects that have been uploaded in the data manager
- The system of record (zoning and development data)
- Metrics and existing metric values
- ArcGIS Living Atlas indicators and custom indicators
- Feedback categories
- Public engagement settings
By default, only the urban model owner can create a copy of the urban model. See Configure permissions to copy and duplicate to learn how to enable this functionality for nonowners.
To create a copy of an urban model, complete the following steps:
- Click the Manage button
on the right side of the header in the overview.
- On the Settings tab, browse to the Admin section.
If you cannot see the Admin section, the owner doesn't allow the urban model to be copied. See Configure permissions to copy and duplicate to learn how to enable this functionality.
- Click Create copy in the Copy Urban Model subsection.
The Create copy dialog box appears on the Configure model settings tab.
- Provide the urban model name.
The city name will not be changed when you copy the urban model.
- Select a basemap and a coordinate system.
The coordinate system of the basemap is used to create the urban model. See Understanding local and global urban models to learn more about the coordinate system of an urban model.
- Click the Select basemap button
- Select the basemap you want to use and click Select.
- Only items from your organization's basemap gallery or ArcGIS Online basemaps can be selected. See the Configure map topic of the ArcGIS Online documentation to learn more about configuring the basemap gallery.
- Only items that intersect with the extent of the urban model can be selected. See Define content extent in the ArcGIS Online documentation to learn how to set the extent of an item.
- Click the Select basemap button
- Select an elevation layer for the urban model. See Elevation layer to learn more.
- Click the Select item button
- Select an item from the Select elevation layer dialog box.
- Click Select to close the dialog box.
- Click the Select item button
- Click Next.
The Configure model content tab appears with plans and projects you have access to. If no plans or projects are available, skip the next step.
- Select the plans and projects to be included in the copy of the urban model, and drag them to the box on the right side of the dialog box.
Keep the following in mind:
- The list contains all plans and projects that are accessible to you.
- You cannot select plans and projects that the owner did not allow nonowners to save as duplicates. See Share a plan that you own or Share a project that you own to learn more about saving a plan or project as a duplicate for nonowners.
- All selected plans and projects will be owned by you in the copied urban model. To preserve ownership of plans and projects, you can ask the administrator of your ArcGIS Online organization to copy the urban model.
- The sharing settings of the selected plans and projects are reset after copying. The copied plans and projects are initially only visible to you.
- If the selected plans and projects have discussions or web scenes, they will not be copied to the new urban model.
- Plans and projects that are not copied in this step can be manually saved to the new urban model later. See Copy an existing plan to another urban model or Copy an existing project to another urban model to learn more.
- Click Next.
The Finish tab appears.
- Click Create to create the urban model copy.
The urban model copy is created. Depending on the number of plans and projects you selected in the previous step, this may take some time. After the process is finished, the actions you can perform next are listed.
- Optionally, click Download report to get an overview of the successfully copied plans and projects.
Plans and projects that failed to copy can be copied manually later. See Copy an existing plan to another urban model or Copy an existing project to another urban model to learn more.
- Optionally, click Open Urban Model to open the new urban model.
- Click Done to close the dialog box.
Keep the following in mind:
- If you copied the urban model to a different coordinate system, some of the layers may not be visualized in ArcGIS Urban and a warning message may appear instead. In this case, review the 3D base layer settings in the data manager. See the Configure 3D base layers section above to learn more.
- By default, the urban model copy is only visible to you. Review the sharing settings in the data manager to change this. See Share an urban model to learn more.