Manage projects

Use the Projects section of the data manager to upload multiple projects to the urban database and add future buildings to those projects. Projects that you upload to the urban database are visible to everyone who has access to the urban model. See Share an urban model to learn more about configuring who can view and edit the urban model.


Projects that are stored in the urban database are for visualization purposes only and cannot be edited in the project editor. They also don't support metrics. Learn how to create an editable design project instead.

Manage project status types

You can use a project status type to describe the current status of an urban development project, for example, under review. When you filter projects by their project status type, they are visualized on the map according to their icon and color defined by the status type. When configuring a project, you can choose the status types configured in the data manager from a drop-down list.

Add a project status type

To add a project status type, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the data manager.
  2. Click Projects and click Project status types.
  3. Click the Add button at the upper right of the Project status types table.

    A dialog box appears.

  4. On the Status dialog box, provide a name, custom ID, icon, and description of the status.
  5. Click OK to return to the list of status types.

    The status type is updated in the Project status types table.

Delete project status types

To delete project status types, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Delete many button at the upper right of the Project status types table.
  2. Select the status types that you want to delete in the table.
  3. Click the Delete button at the upper right of the Project status types table.
  4. On the dialog box, review the selected status types, then click Delete to confirm.

    The project status types are deleted.

Add projects to the urban database

You can add projects from a spreadsheet or a hosted feature layer.

Add projects from a spreadsheet

You can add projects from a spreadsheet on your computer. The spreadsheet must be in a specific format. Download a template for the data, populate the spreadsheet, and upload it to the data manager by following the steps below.

  • When uploading projects as points from a spreadsheet, the underlying parcel is used as the project's study area. To use a custom study area, import projects from a feature layer (see below).
  • You must describe the project locations in the spreadsheet with WGS84 latitude and longitude values. On import, the projects are projected to the coordinate system of the urban model.
  1. Click the Manage button Settings button to open the data manager.
  2. Click Projects and choose Projects from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click the Add button and choose From spreadsheet.

    The Import projects dialog box appears.

  4. On the File step, click Download template.

    An Excel file is downloaded.

  5. Add the data to the template.

    Do not change any of the column headings.

  6. Save the file.
  7. In the Upload file section, click Choose file.
  8. Locate the file on your computer and upload it.

    Alternatively, drag the file onto the dialog box.

    The Fields step appears.

  9. Complete the field matching and click OK.


    • Ensure that the project statuses refer to the custom ID of the project status types.
    • A project's custom ID is used to join future buildings.
    • Check the Use the study area to remove existing buildings and trees check box to automatically add the demolish area.

    The Validation step appears.

  10. If errors are detected, review invalid features in the Errors table. Correct the errors in the source data and upload the file again. If all features are valid, click Next or wait for 5 seconds to start the import.

    The Import step appears.

  11. Once all features are imported, click Close to close the dialog box.
  12. The project data is added in table format. You can now configure each project individually.

Add projects from a feature layer

Projects can be added from a hosted feature layer in your organization. Once the project feature layer is saved in ArcGIS Online, complete the following steps to add it to ArcGIS Urban:

  1. Click the Manage button Settings button to open the data manager.
  2. Click Projects and choose Projects from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click the Add button at the right of the Projects table.
  4. Choose From feature layer to open the Import projects dialog box.
    1. In the Item step, search for the ArcGIS Online layer that contains the project study areas, click the layer, and click Next to continue.

      The projects are converted to the coordinate system of the urban model if the coordinate systems don't match.

    2. In the Sublayer step, select a sublayer, and click Next to continue.
    3. In the Fields step, match the fields, and click Next to continue.


      • Ensure that the project statuses refer to the custom ID of the project status types.
      • A project's custom ID is used to join future buildings.
      • Check the Use the study area to remove existing buildings and trees check box to automatically add the demolish area.

    4. In the Validation step, review invalid features in the Errors table if errors are detected. Correct the errors in the source data and click Refresh. If all features are valid, click Next or wait for 5 seconds to start the import.
    5. In the Import step, all features are imported. Click Close to close the dialog box.
  5. The project data is added in table format. You can now configure each project individually.

Add future buildings

After the projects have been added, you can import the associated future buildings from a hosted feature layer. Once the future buildings feature layer is available in ArcGIS Online, complete the steps below to add it to ArcGIS Urban.


A future building consists of one or multiple polygon features defining the footprint of the future building. Each footprint is extruded to a level of detail 1 (LOD1) building.

  1. Click the Manage button Settings button to open the data manager.
  2. Click Projects and choose Future buildings from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click the Add button to open the Import future buildings dialog box.
    1. In the Item step, search for the ArcGIS Online layer that contains the building footprint, select it, and click Next to continue.

      The future buildings are converted to the coordinate system of the urban model if the coordinate systems don't match.

    2. In the Sublayer step, select a sublayer, and click Next to continue.
    3. In the Fields step, select the Units in source, match the fields, and click Next to continue.

      • Project—The custom ID of the project the building footprint belongs to.
      • Height—The extrusion height.
      • Custom ID— This field is optional and not used in ArcGIS Urban. You can use it for additional identification.

    4. In the Validation step, review invalid features in the Errors table if errors are detected. Correct the errors in the source data and click Refresh. If all features are valid, click Next or wait for 5 seconds to start the import.
    5. In the Import step, all features are imported. Click Close to close the dialog box.