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Introduction to ArcGIS pretrained models

ArcGIS pretrained models automate the task of digitizing and extracting geographical features from imagery and point cloud datasets.

Manually extracting features from raw data, such as digitizing footprints or generating land-cover maps, is time consuming. Deep learning automates the process and minimizes the manual interaction necessary to complete these tasks. However, training a deep learning model can be complicated, as it needs large quantities of data, computing resources, and knowledge of how deep learning works.

With ArcGIS pretrained models, you do not need to invest time and effort into training a deep learning model. The ArcGIS models have been trained on data from a variety of geographies and work well across them. As new imagery becomes available to you, you can extract features and produce layers of GIS datasets for mapping, visualization, and analysis. The pretrained models are available on ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World to anyone with an ArcGIS account.