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Inside an ArcGIS Monitor deployment

ArcGIS Monitor 2024.1 (Windows)   |

ArcGIS Monitor is an enterprise-grade monitoring solution that works with ArcGIS Enterprise by providing information about system health, usage, and performance. It captures key metrics and attributes to quantify system health over time, helping you maximize your GIS and IT investment. Monitor also aggregates system-level data into actionable information to help identify problems before they affect users and raises awareness to operations teams. This information can also be used by GIS administrators to maintain the operational health and performance of your enterprise GIS implementation or by managers to analyze long-term trends.

The structure and functions of ArcGIS Monitor from an administrator's perspective are described.

Security and access

The machine where you installed Monitor Server is the machine that is used to administer the Monitor deployment. Administrators can modify settings such as access control, email server settings, and web traffic protocols in the Monitor browser-based application installed with Monitor Server. Monitor contains a built-in identity store that is used to authorize and authenticate users.

ArcGIS Monitor software architecture

ArcGIS Monitor consists of the following components:

  • ArcGIS Monitor Server provides a web interface that serves as the central hub for analyzing monitored environments, configuring monitoring, configuring settings, and managing users and permissions.
  • ArcGIS Monitor Agent collects data from registered components on the machine on which it's installed. Data collected by Monitor Agent is sent to the Monitor Server installation to which it's registered for centralized data reporting and analysis.
  • The Monitor database repository stores system settings and all data metrics. It is recommended that you create a dedicated database and user for Monitor. Once Monitor Server is connected to the database, it manages the creation of the ArcGIS Monitor Information Model and the maintenance of its schema.

Learn about deploying Monitor and database system requirements

Configuration store

An ArcGIS Monitor installation includes a folder that is designated as the configuration store that contains all the properties, logs, and supporting files necessary to run the software. During installation, the configuration store is automatically positioned relative to the installation directory and cannot be changed. When migrating an installation from one machine to another, it is important to preserve the Monitor Server configuration store to ensure continuity. It is recommended that you periodically back up the configuration store for recovery purposes.

Processes started by ArcGIS Monitor

The following operating system services and processes are present on the machine where Monitor Server is installed:

  • One arcgis-monitor-server-service.exe process
  • Several arcgis-monitor-server.exe processes

The following operating system services and processes are present on machines where Monitor Agent is installed:

  • One arcgis-monitor-agent-service.exe process
  • Several arcgis-monitor-agent.exe processes

The arcgis-monitor-server-service.exe and arcgis-monitor-agent-service.exe services in Windows represent ArcGIS Monitor. Stopping these services also stops ArcGIS Monitor on the machine and shuts down any running process instances.