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Create labels

ArcGIS Monitor 2024.0 (Linux)   |

You can create labels on the Administration page. Labels must be created before they can be applied to components.


Labels can also be created on the Components page, on a component's Overview page, and from the Register component wizard when registering a component.

You must be assigned the Administrator or Manager role to create labels. To create labels, complete the following steps:

  1. Access ArcGIS Monitor if necessary.

    The Home page appears.

  2. Click Administration.

    The Administration page appears.

  3. Click the Labels tab.

    A list of labels appears sorted alphabetically by label name.

  4. Optionally, do any or all of the following:
    • Click Sort and change the sorting method.
    • Click Filter and create a query to filter the list.
    • Click Columns and specify the columns to hide or show.
  5. Click Create label.

    The Create label dialog box appears.

  6. Provide a name for the label in the Name text box.
  7. Optionally, provide a description for the label in the Description text box.
  8. Assign a color to the label by doing one of the following:
    • Provide a hex code in the Color text box.
    • Click Pick a color Pick a color to open the color picker, and choose a color.
  9. Click Save.

    The label appears in the list of labels.

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