You can configure alert rules for component metrics to notify ArcGIS Monitor users when metrics are operating outside of a predefined set of threshold values. You must be assigned the Administrator or Manager role to configure alert rules.
You can also configure default alert rules for metrics from the Administration page.
Configure a metric's alert rules
Complete the following steps to configure a metric's alert rules:
- Access Monitor, if necessary.
The Home page appears.
- Click Monitoring.
The Monitoring page appears with a list of components sorted alphabetically by component name.
- Optionally, do any or all of the following:
- Click Sort and change the sorting method.
- Click Filter and create a query to filter the list.
- Click Hide and specify the columns to hide or show.
- Position the pointer at the edge of a column's header and drag the column's edge to resize it.
- Click Labels and filter the list by the specified labels.
- Click the categories on the side of the page to filter the list by the specified category.
- Type a keyword in the Search by component name or address text box to search for specific components.
- Click the name of the component for which you want to configure alert rules.
The component's Overview page appears with component details and metrics.
- Click the Metrics tab.
A list of component metrics appears sorted by metric name.
- Optionally, do any or all of the following:
- Click Sort and change the sorting method.
- Click Filter and create a query to filter the list.
- Click Hide and specify the columns to hide or show.
- Position the pointer at the edge of a column's header and drag the column's edge to resize it.
- Type a keyword in the Search by metric name text box to search for specific metrics.
- Click More options
next to the metric for which you want to configure an alert rule and click Edit alert rules.
The Edit alert rules dialog box appears.
- Turn on the Alerting toggle button to enable alerts for the chosen metric.
If you don't turn on Alerting, alerts won't be created when the metric's values fall outside of the alert rule's configured threshold values.
- Click the Aggregation drop-down arrow and choose one of the following options:
- Minimum—The lowest value in the group of collected samples is used as the comparison value.
- Maximum—The highest value in the group of collected samples is used as the comparison value.
- Average—The average of all values in a group of collected samples is used as the comparison value. This is the default value.
- 95th percentile—The collected samples are used to determine if they are at or outside of the specified threshold 95 percent of the time.
- 5th percentile—The collected samples are used to determine if they are at or outside of the specified threshold 5 percent of the time.
- Click the Operator drop-down arrow and choose a comparison method.
- Provide a value for the Info setting.
When the metric's value is outside of the configured range, an info alert is opened.
- Provide a value for the Warning setting.
When the metric's value is outside of the configured range, a warning alert is opened.
- Provide a value for the Critical setting.
When the metric's value is outside of the configured range, a critical alert is opened.
- Provide the number of samples that you want to use for the calculation in the Samples text box.
Samples allow you to filter short-term spikes in metric data values and outlier data. For example, when an alert rule is configured to use the average of three samples and the component's Metrics observer is configured at one minute intervals, the average of the metric data samples must be outside of the configured threshold for three consecutive minutes before an alert is opened. If the average of three consecutive samples doesn't fall outside of the configured alert threshold, an alert is not opened.
- Click Save.
The alert rule is saved and activated.
Configure multiple alert rules for a single component
You can configure multiple alert rules for metrics that share the same unit of measure for a single component. Complete the following steps to configure multiple alert rules for a single component:
- Access Monitor, if necessary.
The Home page appears.
- Click Monitoring.
The Monitoring page appears with a list of components sorted alphabetically by component name.
- Optionally, do any or all of the following:
- Click Sort and change the sorting method.
- Click Filter and create a query to filter the list.
- Click Hide and specify the columns to hide or show.
- Position the pointer at the edge of a column's header and drag the column's edge to resize it.
- Click Labels and filter the list by the specified labels.
- Click the categories on the side of the page to filter the list by the specified category.
- Type a keyword in the Search by component name or address text box to search for specific components.
- Click the name of the component for which you want to configure alert rules.
The component's Overview page appears with component details and metrics.
- Click the Metrics tab.
A list of component metrics appears sorted by metric name.
- Optionally, do any or all of the following:
- Click Sort and change the sorting method.
- Click Filter and create a query to filter the list.
- Click Hide and specify the columns to hide or show.
- Position the pointer at the edge of a column's header and drag the column's edge to resize it.
- Type a keyword in the Search by metric name text box to search for specific metrics.
- Check the check box next to the names of the metrics for which you want to configure alert rules.
The metrics that you choose must share the same unit of measure.
- Click Edit alert rules.
The Edit alert rules dialog box appears.
If metrics with different units of measure are chosen, Edit alert rules is unavailable.
- To use the same alert rules values for multiple metrics, check the check boxes next to metrics for which you want to use the same values.
The Batch edit row becomes available and the chosen rows become unavailable. Values that you provide in the Batch edit row are reflected in the rows for the chosen metrics.
- Turn on the Alerting toggle button for each metric for which you want to enable alerts.
If you don't turn on Alerting, alerts won't be created when the metric's values fall outside of the alert rule's configured threshold values.
- Click the Aggregation drop-down arrow for each metric and choose one of the following options:
- Minimum—The lowest value in the group of collected samples is used as the comparison value.
- Maximum—The highest value in the group of collected samples is used as the comparison value.
- Average—The average of all values in a group of collected samples is used as the comparison value. This is the default value.
- 95th percentile—The collected samples are used to determine if they are at or outside of the specified threshold 95 percent of the time.
- 5th percentile—The collected samples are used to determine if they are at or outside of the specified threshold 5 percent of the time.
- Click the Operator drop-down arrow for each metric and choose a comparison method.
- Provide a value for the Info setting for each metric.
When the metric's value is outside of the configured range, an info alert is opened.
- Provide a value for the Warning setting for each metric.
When the metric's value is outside of the configured range, a warning alert is opened.
- Provide a value for the Critical setting for each metric.
When the metric's value is outside of the configured range, a critical alert is opened.
- Provide the number of samples that you want to use for the calculation in the Samples text box for each metric.
Samples allow you to filter short-term spikes in metric data values and outlier data. For example, when an alert rule is configured to use the average of three samples and the component's Metrics observer is configured at one minute intervals, the average of the metric data samples must be outside of the configured threshold for three consecutive minutes before an alert is opened. If the average of three consecutive samples doesn't fall outside of the configured alert threshold, an alert is not opened.
- Click Save.
The alert rules for the chosen metrics are saved and activated.
Configure alert rules across multiple components
You can configure alert rules for metrics that share the same unit of measure across multiple components. Complete the following steps to configure alert rules for metrics across multiple components:
- Access Monitor, if necessary.
The Home page appears.
- Click Monitoring.
The Monitoring page appears with a list of components sorted alphabetically by component name.
- Click the Metrics tab.
The Metrics page appears with a list of metrics for all registered components
- Optionally, do any or all of the following:
- Click Sort and change the sorting method.
- Click Filter and create a query to filter the list.
- Click Hide and specify the columns to hide or show.
- Position the pointer at the edge of a column's header and drag the column's edge to resize it.
- Type a keyword in the Search by metric name text box to search for specific metrics.
- Check the check box next to the names of the metrics for which you want to configure alert rules.
The metrics that you choose must share the same unit of measure.
- Click Edit alert rules.
The Edit alert rules dialog box appears.
If metrics with different units of measure are chosen, Edit alert rules is unavailable.
- To use the same alert rules values for multiple metrics, check the check boxes next to metrics for which you want to use the same values.
The Batch edit row becomes available and the chosen rows become unavailable. Values that you provide in the Batch edit row are reflected in the rows for the chosen metrics.
- Turn on the Alerting toggle button for each metric for which you want to enable alerts.
If you don't turn on Alerting, alerts won't be created when the metric's values fall outside of the alert rule's configured threshold values.
- Click the Aggregation drop-down arrow for each metric and choose one of the following options:
- Minimum—The lowest value in the group of collected samples is used as the comparison value.
- Maximum—The highest value in the group of collected samples is used as the comparison value.
- Average—The average of all values in a group of collected samples is used as the comparison value. This is the default value.
- 95th percentile—The collected samples are used to determine if they are at or outside of the specified threshold 95 percent of the time.
- 5th percentile—The collected samples are used to determine if they are at or outside of the specified threshold 5 percent of the time.
- Click the Operator drop-down arrow for each metric and choose a comparison method.
- Provide a value for the Info setting for each metric.
When the metric's value is outside of the configured range, an info alert is opened.
- Provide a value for the Warning setting for each metric.
When the metric's value is outside of the configured range, a warning alert is opened.
- Provide a value for the Critical setting for each metric.
When the metric's value is outside of the configured range, a critical alert is opened.
- Provide the number of samples that you want to use for the calculation in the Samples text box for each metric.
Samples allow you to filter short-term spikes in metric data values and outlier data. For example, when an alert rule is configured to use the average of three samples and the component's Metrics observer is configured at one minute intervals, the average of the metric data samples must be outside of the configured threshold for three consecutive minutes before an alert is opened. If the average of three consecutive samples doesn't fall outside of the configured alert threshold, an alert is not opened.
- Click Save.
The alert rules for the chosen metrics are saved and activated.