The AWS IoT output type in ArcGIS Velocity sends event data to AWS IoT. AWS IoT is a managed cloud service that provides a solution for connected devices to interact with AWS cloud services as well as other IoT devices.

For more information about AWS IoT, see AWS IoT in the AWS documentation.


The following are example uses of the AWS IoT output:

  • A data analyst wants to send the results of their big data analytic to AWS IoT Hub.
  • A logistics company configures an AWS IoT output to send enriched vehicle fleet information to various department systems.

Usage note

AWS IoT connection parameters can be obtained from the AWS IoT web interface.


The following are the parameters for the AWS IoT output:

ParameterDescriptionData type


The endpoint for the AWS IoT broker.


Access Key ID

The access key for the AWS IoT credentials.


Secret Access Key

The secret access key for the AWS IoT credentials.



The topic over which event messages will stream.


Quality of Service Level

Specifies the Quality of Service (QoS) level for a connection to the AWS IoT message broker. The AWS IoT message broker supports QoS levels 0 and 1. For more information, see the QoS options in the AWS documentation.

  • 0—At most once. The message is sent once and the client and broker take no additional steps to acknowledge delivery (fire and forget).
  • 1—At least once. The message is retried by the sender multiple times until acknowledgement is received (acknowledged delivery).


Session Token (optional)

The session token for the AWS IoT broker. This parameter is optional.
