
Tool icon Available in real-time and big data analytics.

The Project tool Project tool icon projects input data to a specified spatial reference through a well-known ID (WKID) or well-known text (WKT).


The following are example uses of the Project tool:

  • As a data analyst, you want to change the spatial reference of millions of records of data in delimited text files stored in the cloud. Using this tool, you can change the spatial reference using a WKID or WKT.
  • As a transportation planner, you want to write the output of your analysis in your local state plane coordinate system. To do this, the data can be projected either before or after the analysis steps.
  • As a city GIS analyst, you want to change the spatial reference of each record ingested from mobile sensors.

Usage notes

When an analytic is configured to write to a Feature Layer output, the output data will always be projected to 4326 for storage (the WKID for World Geodetic System WGS84).


The following are the parameters for the Project tool:

ParameterDescriptionData type

Input Layer

The point, line, or polygon features to project.


Output Spatial Reference

The spatial reference of the output geometry. You can choose the spatial reference to project your data to using either a WKID or WKT.


Output layer

The output layer will have the same schema as the input layer.