Home page

Insights 2024.1   |    |  
Insights in ArcGIS Online
Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise
Insights desktop

You can use the ArcGIS Insights home page to create and manage content, open existing content, and manage your account. The home page is displayed when you sign in to Insights or if you click the Home button Home.

The following tabs are on the home page:

  • Home
  • Workbooks
  • Models
  • Datasets
  • Connections
  • Reports
  • Themes
  • Settings

All of the tabs, except Home and Settings, allow you to create folders and manage items.

Organization members with viewer privileges can also access shared workbooks and reports.


The Home tab provides an overview of the items and features that are important to you, as well as statistics on your recent Insights usage. The Recent workbooks section lists the most recently created or updated workbooks and data workbooks that you own, giving you quick access to the workbooks that are most relevant to you. The Favorites section lists items from your favorites list. All item types, including workbooks, datasets, reports, and themes, can be added to the favorites list using the Favorite button Favorite. The Pulse section displays charts with statistics, such as the number of items you have created or shared recently. The What's new section provides an overview of the new and updated features in the current Insights release. For more information, see What's new.


A workbook is a collection of data, cards, results, and other processes that are performed during analysis. The Workbooks tab Workbooks allows you to open a workbook, import or export a workbook package, or manage the workbook item.


Insights model and script items appear on the Models tab. Script items are available in Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise and Insights desktop.

A model is a record of the processes used on an Insights page. Models are created and updated automatically when you perform any analysis or data manipulation actions in an Insights workbook. A model must be published for the item to appear on the Models tab.

A script must be published or saved to appear on the Models tab.

For more information, see Publish and share a model and Publish and share a script.

Clicking an item name opens a new workbook and the Add to page window with the item selected. One or more datasets should also be added to run the model.


The Datasets tab Datasets can be used to create, manage, and export datasets that are saved in your organization as feature layer items.

A dataset can be opened in a new workbook by clicking the dataset name.

For more information, see Create datasets and Export data.


The Connections tab Connections can be used to create and edit the following connection types:

Click the item name to edit the connection settings.


The Reports tab Reports can be used to manage and view report items. A report item is a snapshot of the cards that were on an Insights page at the time it was published. Only published reports are saved as items and available on the Reports tab.

A report can be opened in the report viewer by clicking the report name.

For more information, see Publish and share a report.


The Themes tab Themes can be used to manage and open shared theme items. A theme saves page settings, including card placement, colors, and fonts, and allows you to apply the settings to other pages. A theme must be shared or saved to be accessible on the home page.

For more information, see Publish and share a theme.

Clicking a theme name opens a new workbook and the Add to page window with the theme selected.

Data workbooks

Insights desktop

Data engineering is available in Insights desktop. All Insights in ArcGIS Online and Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise users have access to Insights desktop. For more information, see Introduction to ArcGIS Insights.

Data engineering is currently in Preview.

The Workbooks tab Workbooks in the Data engineering group can be used to create and manage data workbooks.

For more information, see Use data engineering.


The Settings tab Settings can be used to view and update your profile or manage connector types. Connector types can be managed in Insights desktop and by administrators in Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise.

For more information, see Manage profiles in Insights in ArcGIS Online and Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise, Manage user settings in Insights desktop, and Manage connector types.

Find items

Items, such as workbooks, reports, and themes, can be stored in folders and subfolders, added to a favorites list, or shared. Each of these processes affects how items can be found on the tabs on the home page.

Use the following methods to find items:

  • Browse through folders and subfolders by clicking the folder cards.
  • Search for the item using the search bar.
  • Use the filter button Filter to filter items by owner, date modified, and tags.
  • Use the Favorites button Favorites to view items on the favorites list.
  • Use the View items button (available in Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise and Insights in ArcGIS Online) to show all items from your organization My organization, items created by you My items, items shared with you Shared with me, or public items from ArcGIS Online ArcGIS Online public content (public items are only available in Insights in ArcGIS Online).
  • Use the Sort button Sort to sort items alphabetically or by age.
  • Use the List view button List view and Tile view button Tile view to change how items are displayed.

Insights viewer home page

The home page for organization members with viewer privileges includes the Home Home, Workbooks Workbooks, Reports Reports, and Settings Settings tabs .

The Home tab provides an overview of the items and features that are important to you, as well as statistics on your recent Insights usage. The Recent workbooks section lists the most recently created or updated workbooks that were shared with you, giving you quick access to the workbooks that are most relevant to you. The Favorites section shows items that were added to the favorites list using the Favorite button Favorite. The Pulse section displays charts with statistics, such as the number of items you have viewed recently.

The Workbooks tab includes the workbooks that were shared with you by other members of your organization. Click a workbook title to open the workbook in viewer mode.

The Reports tab includes the reports that were shared with you by other members of your organization. Click a report title to open the report in viewer mode.

The Settings tab Settings can be used to view and update your profile.


Use the following resources to learn more: