View the back of a card

Insights 2024.1   |    |  
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The back of map, chart, and table cards include important information about the data on the card and functionality to export data or images from compatible cards.

To view the back of a card, click the Flip card button Flip card on the card toolbar.

Card info

The Card info tab Card info is available on the back of all map, chart, and table cards and provides valuable information about your card. All card types include a Description section and a Statistics section.

The description is used to provide a summary of the analysis on the card, reference the data source, or provide any other information that is useful to report viewers. If a description is provided, it will be available to viewers when the report is published. Otherwise, the Description section will not be visible on the report.

The statistics vary depending on the card type but can include information such as count of features, mean value, and the date or time the data on the card was last refreshed.

Map cards also include an Attribution section, which cites the source of data for the basemap used on the card.

Export image


Exporting an image of a card is currently supported for bar charts, stacked bar charts, column charts, stacked column charts, line graphs, time series graphs, and combo charts.

The card image can be exported in PNG or JPEG format from the Export image tab Export image using the PNG and JPEG buttons.

The exported image will be the same size and use the same style as the card in Insights. The exported image does not include the card title, toolbar, border, or any interactive buttons (for example, the Default extent button Default extent on a time series chart).


The exported image is based on the preview seen on the back of the card. The preview and exported image are static and will not reflect updates to the data or card. If you make changes, such as applying a filter, you must flip to the front of the card then flip back to the back of the card to refresh the preview.

Exported images do not support transparency inside the chart axes. For best results, choose a background color for charts that will be exported rather than applying a transparent background.

Export data


Exporting data from a card is currently supported for tables and most charts. Maps, link charts, time series graphs, and combo charts created with two datasets do not support exporting data.

The data on a card can be exported as a comma-separated values (CSV) file from the Export data tab Export data using the CSV button.

The exported dataset includes the fields used on the card. You can also use the preview on the Export data tab to determine which fields will be included in the exported data. For charts that display aggregated data (for example, sum of values), the data will be exported in its aggregated form.


Feature layers must have the Allow others to export to different formats setting enabled to be exportable from reference tables. For more information, see Manage hosted feature layers in the ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise help.

Allow viewers to export images and data

You can allow viewers to export images and data from cards on a published report or a shared workbook using the Enable viewers to export as parameter. Export is not enabled by default. Enabling export applies to all compatible cards on the report or in the shared workbook.

Viewers can export data and images using the Export data and Export image tabs on the back of a card. If exporting data or images is not enabled when the report is published or the workbook is shared, the respective tab will not be visible to viewers.


Downloads may be blocked for applications or websites displaying embedded reports (for example, reports embedded in ArcGIS StoryMaps). For reports embedded in a story, the viewer must open the live content in a new tab, then export the data or image.