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Insights 2023.3   |    |  
Insights in ArcGIS Online
Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise
Insights desktop

ArcGIS Insights 2023.3 includes a new filter widget, alluvial diagrams, enhancements to map and chart cards, plus other enhancements and updates throughout the software.


You can now create alluvial diagrams to show the relationship between unique values in multiple fields.

Heat charts and data clocks now support manual classification.


You can now add a north arrow to a map card. North arrows are helpful for orienting maps that have been rotated.

Additional fonts are now available for map labels. For more information on map labels, see Map layer options.

Filter widget

Filter widgets are now available for creating advanced (query-based), grouped, dynamic, and find (text search) filters. The filter widget has replaced predefined filters, which are now deprecated. For more information, see Add a filter widget.


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