Temporal analysis

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Temporal analysis can be accessed using the Action button Action on a time series graph. Some temporal capabilities are also available from the Find answers tab on a map, chart, or table card.

Temporal analysis does not consume credits.

The following table provides an overview of each temporal analysis capability:

Analysis capabilityDescriptionExample questions

Moving Average

Moving Average calculates average values for a specified window and plots the values on a time series graph.

Inputs: One date/time field and one number or rate/ratio field

How has it changed? What are the trends in the data? What is the average value for a given number of days? What are the estimated values for missing data?

Temporal Decomposition

Temporal Decomposition splits a time series graph into trend, seasonal, and remainder components using the STL method.

Inputs: One date/time field

How has it changed? What are the trends in the data? How does seasonality affect the values?


Forecast uses STL to predict future values for the seasonal and seasonally adjusted components.

Inputs: One date/time field

How has it changed? How will the values change in the future?

Next steps

Use the following resources to learn more about analysis:

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