
ArcGIS Enterprise (11.2)    |    |  

When you create an ArcGIS GeoPlanner project, you become the project owner. Project owners can invite other users in their organization to collaborate on a project. Once the other users accept the invitation, they become part of the project team and can open the project, access project scenarios, and create scenarios. Project owners and team members have access to all the scenarios associated with a project. For example, if a project owner creates three scenarios for the project, all other team members can open and use those three scenarios. If a team member creates a scenario for a project, the project owner and other team members can open and use that scenario. Project owners can also export a dashboard to the project. Other team members can import that dashboard.

When a project is opened by a team member who is not the project owner, a user web map is automatically created and stored in that team member's Content page in ArcGIS Enterprise. By default, this web map contains all scenario layers, operational layers included in the project template web map, and a dashboard if one has been shared with the project. Other data added or created by the project owner, including data added from ArcGIS Enterprise, analysis layers, and evaluation layers, is not included in the web map for a different user. However, the user can use the add data function to discover these layers and manually add them to their own project web map.

The project owner can invite another user to, or remove an existing team member from, a project. Once the invitation has been accepted, the user can open the project, create scenarios in the project, and access other data and dashboards shared with project team members.

Invite users

This functionality allows you to invite another user to your GeoPlanner project.

  1. Click Open Menu Open Menu at the top of the application and click Invite User.

    The Project Team: Invite Users page appears. By default, the My Organization tab is active, showing all users in your organization.

    Project Team: Invite Users page
  2. Scroll down to find the name of the user you want to invite and click Invite next to it.

    An invitation is sent to this user. The user can accept the invitation to join the group by selecting My Invitations under their profile. Once they join, they can open this project.

Accept an invitation

You can accept project invitations from members in your group in your user profile of GeoPlanner.

  1. Sign in to GeoPlanner.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow next to your username.
  3. Click My Invitations.

    If you have group invitations, you can accept them here. Once you join, you can open the project under My Organization.

Remove a user

You can remove a user from a GeoPlanner project. After being removed, the user is no longer able to open the project.

  1. Click Open Menu in the upper left corner of the application.
  2. On the Info page, under Users, select Remove user
    Remove user
    next to the user's name.

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