Draw widget

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.3)    |

The Draw widget allows users to create simple graphics for points, lines, and polygons on a 2D web map or 3D web scene. Users can add measurements to drawn graphics for coordinate position, length, perimeter, and area.


Use this widget to support app design requirements such as the following:

  • You want town planners to draw lines for rural roads.
  • You want construction site managers to create polygons of underground utility features.
  • You want conservation agents to draw points representing wildlife sightings.

Usage notes

This widget requires connection to a Map widget.

When you include this widget in an app, a panel or toolbar provides users with the following tools for drawing features:

  • Select feature, Select by rectangle, and Select by lasso—Choose a method for selecting drawn features. When you draw on 3D web scenes, only Select feature is available.
  • Draw a point, Draw a polyline, Draw a polygon, Draw a rectangle, and Draw a circle—Sketch a feature on the map or scene.
    • Preview—View a preview of the symbology of the feature to be drawn.
    • Source—For points, select from a list of categories containing premade symbols. Different symbols are available in each category.
    • Symbol customization options—Select a predefined symbol from the box. Customize the symbol using the following settings:
      • Points—Customize size, fill color, outline color, outline width, and fill transparency. Only the size setting is available for picture point symbols.
      • Polylines—Customize width, dash type, color, and transparency.
      • Polygons, rectangles, and circles—Customize fill color, outline color, outline width, and transparency.
    • Measurement tools—Include relevant measurements in appropriate units on drawn features.
      • For points, turn on Show location measurement to include degree minute second (DMS) or decimal degree (DD) measurements.
      • For polylines, turn on Show length measurement to include kilometer, meter, mile, or feet measurements.
      • For polygons, rectangles, and circles, turn on Show area measurement to include square kilometer, square meter, hectare, acre, square mile, or square feet measurements. Turn on Show perimeter measurement to include kilometer, meter, mile, or feet measurements.
  • Undo and Redo—Undo or redo actions. These buttons are based on the actions performed using the widget.
  • Clear all—Remove all drawn features from the currently active web map.
  • Expand and Collapse—When using the widget in toolbar mode, expand or collapse panels associated with the widget, including the customization panels for points, polylines, and other features.


The Draw widget includes the following settings:

  • Select a Map widget—Select a Map widget.
  • Arrangement—Choose a layout for the widget tools, either Panel or Toolbar.
  • Advanced—Expand to configure settings related to drawing tools, measurement, and 3D drawing effects.
    • Drawing tools—Include tools for users to draw features on the map or scene. Drawing tools include Point, Line, Polygon, Rectangle, and Circle.
    • Enable measurement—Allow users to include measurements on drawings. Choose which units to include. DD and DMS are angular units used with points. Kilometers, Meters, Miles, and Feet are used to measure length for lines and perimeter for polygons, rectangles, and circles. Square kilometers, Square meters, Hectares, Acres, Square miles, and Square feet are used to measure area for polygons, rectangles, and circles.
      • Decimal places—Choose the number of decimal places (between 0 and 10) for measurements associated with points, lines (including perimeters), and areas.
    • 3D drawing effect—Choose a height method for drawing 3D features.
      • Relative to ground—Draw features at a specific elevation relative to the terrain surface. This method is appropriate for drawing features at a known height relative to the ground.
      • Relative to scene—Draw features on top of extruded polygons, 3D Object SceneLayers, or BuildingSceneLayers, depending on which one has higher elevation. This method is similar to Relative to ground, except if a drawing is directly above a building or any other feature, it is drawn at a specific elevation relative to that feature. If a drawing is not directly above a building or any other feature, it is aligned to the elevation of the ground or the IntegratedMeshLayer.
      • On the ground—Drape drawn features on the terrain surface. This method is appropriate for drawing features that are flat on the ground, such as roads.

      To learn more about 3D elevation visualization methods, see Elevation options in the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript documentation.