Print widget

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.3)    |

The Print widget allows you to print web maps and includes options for previewing extents, selecting layouts, and more.


Use this widget to support app design requirements such as the following:

  • You want surveyors to print maps of underground utility features.
  • You want search and rescue teams to quickly print maps for a missing person search operation.
  • You want to allow members of the public to print maps containing city data.

Usage notes

This widget requires connection to a Map widget. To print, the Map widget must be connected to a 2D data source.

When you include this widget in an app, the widget provides users with the following tools:

  • Template—Select a print template.
  • Preview print extents—Add a rectangle to the map showing the print extent.
  • Print—Create a print result.
  • Print result—View print results. Click a result to open it in a new window.

When you include this widget in an app in Classic mode, the widget provides users with the standard tools listed above and any additional settings you've chosen to make editable. You can make settings such as the map title and print quality editable under Template common settings and in the Template configuration panel.

When you include this widget in an app in Compact mode, the widget only provides users with the standard tools. Advanced print settings cannot be customized at run time.


In Classic mode, the user can create multiple print results, which appear on the Print result tab. In Compact mode, the user can only create one print result at a time and must click Reset to print again.

Custom print templates

The Print widget supports custom layout items and custom report items. If you upload .pagx layout files or .rptx report files to the same ArcGIS organization that hosts the connected print service, those layouts and reports are available to select under Use layout from layout item and Use report from report item in the Template configuration panel in the widget's settings.


The Print widget includes the following settings:

  • Source—Select a map widget with 2D data.
  • Mode—Choose a style for the widget, either Classic or Compact. The Classic mode gives users more control over advanced template and layout options. If you choose the Compact mode, users can only use the template and layout options you configure. For example, Classic is appropriate if you want users to choose any scale for the printed map, while Compact is best if you want to provide a set, unchangeable map scale.
  • Print template—Add a print service and configure templates.
    • Select utility—Select a printing utility service. You can use print services specified in your organization settings or added by you in the Select utility or Utility service panels. The following is an example of a print service URL:
      Once you select a print service, the service automatically adds print templates. Experience Builder supports layout templates and report templates from a print service. You can add, reorder, duplicate, and delete the templates. The template you list first is the default template at run time.
    • Template configuration—Add a new template or change settings for a template from the print service.
      • Map-only options (Available for templates that use the map-only layout)—Set the default map size in pixels and choose whether printed maps include the attribution by default. When Classic mode is selected, you can make the map size and attribution editable at run time under Select editable settings.

        The attribution, a list of sources, is also located at the bottom of Map widgets.

      • The following settings appear when you connect a print service that is published with ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 or later and supports reports. These settings currently do not appear with the ArcGIS Online default print service.
        • Layout—Choose one of the following methods for selecting a layout. Then, select a layout from the drop-down menu.
          • Use service layout—Use a layout from the print service.
          • Use layout from layout item—Use a layout uploaded to the ArcGIS organization that hosts the print service.
        • Report—Choose one of the following methods for selecting a report. Then, select a report from the drop-down menu.
          • Use service report—Use a report from the print service.
          • Use layout from layout item—Use a report uploaded to the ArcGIS organization that hosts the print service.
          • Select data—Open the Select data panel, where you can select a data source to use to generate the report.
      • Layout options (Available for all layouts except map-only)—Set the default author, copyright, and scale bar unit and choose whether printed maps include the legend and north arrow by default.

        Layout options are read from a print service's Get Layout Templates Info task. The Author, Copyright, and Legend settings display when they are set to true by the print service task. The Scale bar setting always displays. The widget also supports custom text elements and north arrows, options which display under Layout options if they are specified by the print service.

      • Override common settings—Enable this to stop using template common settings for a template.
  • Template common settings—Common settings apply to all templates unless you choose to override them in each individual template's Template configuration panel. In Classic mode, you can set defaults and select editable settings. In Compact mode, you can set defaults and users can only use the settings and values you provide.
    • Title—Specify the printed file name, and the map title when applicable.
    • Map printing extents—Choose how to calculate the map's printed extent.
      • Current map extent—Use the Map widget's current view.
      • Current map scale—Use the Map widget's current scale.
      • Set map scale—Provide an exact scale.
    • Output spatial referenceDefine the output spatial reference of the print by specifying a valid well-known ID (WKID).
    • Print quality—Set the print resolution.
    • Feature attributes—Check this setting to include feature attributes in feature collection layers.

      This setting is only applicable to custom print services that use feature attributes. One example use is to display a table of features and their attributes.

  • Enable print preview—Include the Preview print extents button, which allows users to visualize the area of the map that appears in the printout, in the widget panel at run time.
    • Fill—Choose a highlight color for the print preview polygon.
    • Outline—Choose a color and stroke width in pixels (px) for the outline of the print preview polygon.