Map widget

ArcGIS Enterprise (10.8.x)    |

The Map widget allows you to display 2D and 3D geographic information. You can enable tools in the map, such as Zoom, Locate, Search, and Measure.


Use this widget to support app design requirements such as the following:

  • You need to show the comparison of a map in 2D and 3D. You can add two Map widgets and create a trigger and action to synchronize views when interacting with either map.
  • You want to click a feature on the map and display the record in a Feature Info widget.
  • You have a requirement to filter a List widget based on clicking a feature on the map.

Usage notes

You can show a single map or include the option to switch between two maps. You can include multiple maps in an app by adding more Map widgets. The Map widget requires a data source, including web maps and web scenes. When you include tools, they are automatically positioned on the map based on the size of the widget in both design mode and the final app.

The Map widget also supports triggers on the Action tab. For example, with this feature, you can have two Map widgets and synchronize them by adding a trigger based on when the extent changes. You can set triggers and actions to interact with other widgets. For example, you can add an action trigger to return only the features in a List widget that are visible on the map. Triggers and actions are defined and managed on the Action tab. To learn more about the supported features in the Map widget, see Add triggers.


The Map widget includes the following settings:

  • Select map—Add a data source for web maps and web scenes.
  • Initial view—The initial position of the map inherited from the web map or web scene.
    • Respects the source—Use the positioning created in the web map and web scene.
    • Use custom view—Create a custom position for the map when it loads.
  • Tools—Include tools for end users to interact with the map.
    • Zoom—Zooms in and out on the map.
    • Home—Zooms the map to the initial map position (extent).
    • Navigation—Include toggling tools for navigation mode of a 3D map (web scene).
    • Locate—Provides the user’s current location.
    • Compass—Indicates where north is in relation to the current view of a 2D or 3D map.
    • Search—Finds locations based on a geocoding service from your organization or portal.
    • Layers—Displays a list of layers and symbols in the map and provides the ability for end users to turn them on or off.
    • Basemap—Displays a gallery of basemaps.
    • Measure—Include measurement tools for measuring area and distance.
    • Fullscreen—Displays the map using the entire screen.
    • Scale bar—Include a scale bar on the map that displays units in metric or nonmetric values and dynamically responds to various coordinate systems.
  • Tools layout—Select the layout of the tools based on a large or medium screen size.
  • Options
    • Disable scroll zooming—Disable mouse wheel zooming and single-finger panning on the map.
    • Disable pop-up—Disable pop-ups on the map. This option is useful when working in coordination with the Feature Info widget.