Widgets overview

ArcGIS Enterprise (10.8.x)    |

Experience Builder includes many out-of-the-box widgets for creating web experiences. Most widgets have settings that you can configure and customize to tailor the app to your audience. The widget configuration panel includes Content, Style, and Action settings. Content defines the behavior, data, and other settings for the widget. Each widget has unique configurations.

Basic widgets

Basic widgets are functional widgets that can perform as app tools. The following is a list of the basic widgets that you can add and configure:

  • Button widget—Provides links to pages and section views in your app or a web address.
  • Embed widget—Embed website content using a URL or code for additional custom functionality.
  • Feature Info widget—Shows details about features from a layer.
  • Filter widget—Limit the visibility of features in a layer to only those that meet the expression criteria.
  • Fly Controller widget—Showcase fly animation by navigating through a path or around a point on a 3D map.
  • Image widget—Add static and dynamic images to a page.
  • Legend widget—Displays labels and symbols for layers in a map.
  • List widget—Displays data records in a custom list view. It uses a card design as a container for a few short descriptions of related information with the option to include a button to view additional details.
  • Map widget—Displays 2D and 3D geographic information with option to include tools in the map.
  • Map Layers widget—Displays a list of map layers and their symbols.
  • Menu widget—Organizes pages and is designed to help users get from one page in your app to another.
  • Share widget—Allows end users to share the app using a variety of methods.
  • Survey widget—Integrates with ArcGIS Survey123 and allows you to create a survey or use an existing survey in the widget.
  • Text widget—Add static or dynamic text to your app.
  • Widget Controller widget—A container you can use to organize other widgets as buttons, managing their life cycle and display.

Layout widgets

Layout widgets are the containers that help organize widgets on the page. The following is a list of the layout widgets that you can add and configure:

  • Column widget—Position and organize content vertically as a single column on a page.
  • Fixed Panel widget—Group widgets together and form a fixed panel.
  • Placeholder widget—Save a place on the page during layout design work.
  • Row widget—Position and organize content side by side in an aligned row on a page.
  • Section widget—Display dynamic content in one or more views.
  • Sidebar widget—Provides two adjacent panels, allowing you to control the layout and allocation of nested widgets.
  • View Navigation widget—Provides tabs for end users to access the views in a Section widget.