Use exploitation tools

ArcGIS 10.9.1    |

Imagery may contain information that can be exploited to help accomplish an image-based task. The exploitation tools contain features to highlight areas of interest through markup, labeling, and measurement.

Markup tools

The markup tools allow you to create simple graphics on top of imagery using text and shape elements to call attention to areas of interest.

Create markup

To create markup, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Tools menu in the imagery exploitation canvas.
  2. In the Exploitation Tools list, click Mark Up.
  3. Choose a geometry.
    • Point—Click the map to drop a point.
    • Line—Click the map to draw a line segment. Double-click to complete the line.
    • Rectangle—Click and drag the map to draw a rectangle.
    • Polygon—Click the map to draw at least three segments. Double-click to complete the polygon.
    • Text label—Type text in the input box and click the map to drop a label.


    You can create markup in the Map Focus and Image Focus panels.

  4. Prior to drawing markup, in Styling Properties, customize markup with the following options:
    • Outline
    • Fill
    • Outline Width
    • Transparency
    • Font Color (Text label only)
    • Font Size (Text label only)

To edit or delete an existing markup, open the Mark Up tool click directly on the corresponding markup graphic on the image. To delete all markup, click the Clear drawn graphics button. All graphics will be deleted.


You can save markup as a feature collection when an imagery project is created or saved. For more information, see Save markup to a project.


Measuring ground features in imagery, called image mensuration, is an important function in many image interpretation or feature compilation applications. The measurement tools allow you to measure horizontal and vertical distances, areas, and feature locations on an image in map and image space. The measurement tool options available will depend on the metadata and capabilities set on the imagery service layer. You can draw a line to measure length, a polygon to measure area, or click an individual feature to get measurement information.

To calculate measurements in the map focus and image focus views, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Tools menu in the imagery exploitation canvas.
  2. In the Exploitation Tools list, click Measurements.
  3. Choose the measurements type.

    The available measurement types will be based on information from the image metadata and capabilities on the image service.

  4. From the drop-down list, choose the units to display.
  5. Click the image to create a measurement.

    The Measurement Results List will automatically populate based on the units selected and the underlying sensor model and information from the image service.

  6. Optionally, you can turn the visibility of the measurement on and off, copy the results to the clipboard, or clear the measurement from the Results list.
  7. To clear multiple measurements at once, click Clear All to remove all measurement results and corresponding graphics on the image.

In this topic
  1. Markup tools
  2. Measurements