Use the Project Details page

ArcGIS 10.9.1    |

The Project Details page is where you can view important information and details about the imagery project. You can access the page from the Imagery Projects List by clicking View Details for the desired imagery project. If you are the owner of the project, you can edit information about the imagery project. You can view the following on the Project Details page for an imagery project:

  • Title
  • Summary
  • Instructions
  • Tags
  • Owner
  • Date Created
  • Focused Imagery Layer and Image IDs
  • Imagery
  • Observation Layers
  • Webmap and Operational Layers (if applicable)

In addition, if you view the project details of an imagery project, you also see the project capabilities like observation layers. You can open the imagery project or return to the project list from this view.

Edit the project details

If you are the project owner, you can make textual edits to your project's details. Editable fields have an edit button. These fields include Project Name, Project Summary, Project Description, and Analyst Instructions. To edit project details, complete the following steps:

  1. Browse to the Project Details page of the desired project.
  2. Click the Edit button on the Project Name, Project Summary, Project Description, or Analyst Instructions field.
  3. Edit the text.
  4. Click Save to update the details, or click Cancel to revert to the original text.

Add an observation layer to the imagery project

You can add an existing observation layer to the imagery project to collect observations from your imagery or create an observation layer to fit your project needs.

Choose an existing observation layer

To add an existing observation layer, complete the following steps:

  1. After you create or open your project, click the More menu.
  2. Click Imagery Project Details.

    You can also find the imagery project details through the projects list by clicking View Details.

    The Imagery Project Details page appears.

  3. Click Select observation layers for this project.
  4. Click an existing observation layer.

    You can also search for layers by most recent, most viewed, highest rated, title, and owner.

  5. Click Select. Click Cancel to return to the Imagery Project Details page.

    The new layer appears in Observation Layers in this Project.

Create an observation layer

To create an observation layer, complete the following steps:

  1. After you create or open your project, click the More menu.
  2. Click View Project Details.

    You can also find the imagery project details through the projects list by clicking View Details.

    The Imagery Project Details page appears.

  3. Click Add Observation Layer.
  4. Click Create a New Layer.
  5. Provide information for the following details:
    • Layer Title (required)
    • Layer Geometry Type (required)
    • Layer Tags (required)

    The spatial reference of the new observation layer is set to the spatial reference of the selected imagery in your project.

  6. Choose to share your observation layer with your organization or to keep it private, and click Next.
  7. Define the layer's geometry type by choosing Points, Polygons, or Lines.
  8. Optionally, you can begin adding an additional field to the base schema by providing the following:
    • Field Name
    • Field Alias
    • Field Type

    You can also view the system-managed fields by turning Show system managed fields on or off.

  9. Optionally, you can define a pick list (domain of coded values or range) for the new field by selecting Coded Values or Range.

    A Range domain cannot be made for a new field of type String.

  10. Enter a value for the Name and Code parameters for each domain in your pick list, ensuring you add each domain to the list.
  11. After all domains are added to the new field, click Add Field.
  12. Repeat steps 6 through 10 until all additional fields are added to the base schema.
  13. Click Next when finished.
  14. Choose your observation layer styling based on a single symbol by clicking Single Symbol or on unique values by clicking Unique Values.

    By default, the Single Symbol styling option is selected and is based on the geometry type you chose in the observation layer details step.

  15. Choose the Single Symbol style properties for your layer:
    • Points—Size, style, color, outline, and transparency
    • Polygons—Outline, fill, outline width, and transparency
    • Lines—Color, width, and transparency
  16. If Unique Values styling is desired, choose the Unique Values option to style your layer based on a coded value.

    The Unique Values option is unavailable if your new observation layer does not contain any coded value domains. Range domains are not supported for styling.

  17. Choose the field that you want to style your observation layer on that contains coded value domains from the Available Fields pick list.

    The coded values table is populated with all values in the selected field.

  18. Click each style icon in the coded values table and change the style properties.
  19. Click Next.
  20. Review the summary of your choices and click Create to create the observation layer.

    A status indicator appears while your new observation layer is created.

  21. After your new observation layer is created successfully, click Open Imagery Project to view your imagery project, click Edit Imagery Project Details to view the project details, or click Create Another Layer to add more layers.

    If you choose to add more observation project layers, you return to the Add More Observation Project Layers step.

    A summary of the observation layers you created appears before you move to the next step.

  22. Click Close to return to the Imagery Project Details page.

    The new layers appear in Observation Layers in this Project.

Manage system fields and settings

You can manage the system fields and settings of an observation layer that was not created in ArcGIS Excalibur by adding the following fields:

  • ics_xy_excalibur
  • image_classification_excalibur
  • image_dtg_local_excalibur
  • image_dtg_utc_excalibur
  • imageid_excalibur
  • mapscale_excalibur
  • observation_dtg_local_excalibur
  • observation_latlon_excalibur
  • predicted_niirs_excalibur
  • projectid_excalibur
  • raster_id_excalibur
  • service_url_excalibur

These fields are managed by ArcGIS Excalibur and are used to automatically populate information from the image when an observation is collected. Your layer will also be time-enabled if it is not already. You cannot undo adding and appending these fields to the observation layer.

To add Excalibur managed fields to an existing observation layer that does not contain these fields already or is not time-enabled, complete the following steps:

  1. After you open your project, click the More menu.
  2. Click Imagery Project Details.

    You can also find the imagery project details through the projects list by clicking View Details.

    The Imagery Project Details page appears.

  3. Click Add Observation Layer.
  4. Click Select Existing Layers.
  5. Choose an observation layer. You can also choose multiple layers.
  6. Click Select to return to the Imagery Project Details page.

    The new layer appears in Observation Layers in this Project. A button will appear next to the layer if the layer does not contain the Excalibur managed fields or is not time-enabled.

  7. Click Manage System Fields and Settings.

    A modal appears. You can scroll through the table to gain more information about the fields.

  8. Click Add Fields.

    A status indicator appears while the fields are added to your layer.

Once the fields are successfully added to your layer, you can begin using it in your project to automatically populate information from the image with every observation you collect on that layer.


If your layer already contains the automatically populated Excalibur fields and the time-enabled capability, and you click Manage System Fields and Settings, a message appears stating so. If your layer contains the automatically populated fields but is not time-enabled, you can click Manage System Fields and Settings and follow the same workflow.

Enhance an imagery project with GeoEnrichment definitions

Adding a GeoEnrichment definition to your project helps enhance your observations with information from a related layer to help automate the observation collection workflow. You can choose which fields are automatically populated in your point observation layer by matching them to fields in one or more related polygon context layers. When an observation is collected within or intersects the selected polygon layer, attributes from that layer will automatically populate in the observation layer.

To create a new GeoEnrichment definition in your imagery project, you must be the project owner or a portal administrator. You also must have a point observation layer in your imagery project and have a polygon context layer in a web map that has been added to your project.

Only one GeoEnrichment definition can be made per observation layer, but each observation layer can have multiple context layers as a part of its definition helping to automate the process of relating an observation to one or more contextual layers in your project.

Create a GeoEnrichment definition in an imagery project

To create a GeoEnrichment definition in a project, complete the following steps:

  1. After you open your project, click the More menu.
  2. Click Imagery Project Details.

    You can also find the imagery project details through the projects list by clicking View Details.

    The Imagery Project Details page appears.

  3. In the Web Map Referenced in this Project section, click Change the project web map and add a web map that contains at least a polygon layer.
  4. In the Observation Layers in this Project section, select an existing or create a new point observation layer and add it to your project.
  5. Click the Add GeoEnrichment Definition button.

    A new page opens to start your workflow. A message appears if your project does not meet the requirements to create a GeoEnrichment definition.

  6. Provide a required description for the GeoEnrichment definition.
  7. Select a point observation layer as your destination layer from the drop-down menu.
  8. Select a web map layer as your source layer.
  9. Once your destination and source layers have been selected, choose the field names from each layer in which you want to match.
  10. Click Add.

    Once you add a field matching pair, the table populates. Click Remove to remove the matched fields.

  11. Choose additional fields to match if desired, repeating steps 9 and 10.
  12. Click Update Layer when finished. Click Cancel to return to the project details.

    A status indicator appears while your GeoEnrichment definition is created.

  13. After your GeoEnrichment definition is created successfully, click Open Imagery Project to view your imagery project, click Edit Imagery Project Details to view the project details, or click Create Another to add more layers.

View GeoEnrichment definitions in an imagery project

To view a GeoEnrichment Definition in a project, complete the following steps:

  1. After you open your project, click the More menu.
  2. Click Imagery Project Details.

    You can also find the imagery project details through the projects list by clicking View Details.

  3. In the Observations Layers in this Project section, locate the point observation layer with a GeoEnrichment definition and click View GeoEnrichment Details.

    Your GeoEnrichment definition expands with the corresponding details.

  4. Click View GeoEnrichment Details to collapse the details.

Edit a GeoEnrichment definition in an imagery project

You can edit a GeoEnrichment definition if you are a project owner or administrator. To edit a GeoEnrichment definition in a project, complete the following steps:

  1. After you open your project, click the More menu.
  2. Click Imagery Project Details.

    You can also find the imagery project details through the projects list by clicking View Details.

  3. In the Observations Layers in the Project section, locate the point observation layer with a GeoEnrichment definition and click View GeoEnrichment Details.
  4. At the bottom of the table, click Update.

    A new page opens where you can do the following:

    • Edit the Description.
    • Remove existing field matches.
    • Edit existing field matches.
    • Add new field matches.
  5. Click Update Layer once you make changes to the definition.

    A status indicator appears while your GeoEnrichment definition is updated. After your definition is successfully updated, you return to the project details page.

Remove a GeoEnrichment definition in an imagery project

You can remove a GeoEnrichment definition if you are the project owner or administrator. To remove a GeoEnrichment definition in a project, complete the following steps:

  1. After you open your project, click the More menu.
  2. Click Imagery Project Details.

    You can also find the imagery project details through the projects list by clicking View Details.

  3. In the Observations layers in the Project section, locate the point observation layer with a GeoEnrichment definition and click View GeoEnrichment Details.
  4. At the bottom of the table, click Remove.
  5. Click Remove to confirm the removal the GeoEnrichment definition

Change the project web map

Imagery projects are configured to use the default portal web map. However, you can change the project web map at any time in the project details.

  1. After you create or open your project, click the More menu.
  2. Click View Project Details.

    The Imagery Project Details page appears.

  3. Click Change Project Webmap.
  4. Choose a web map from My Content, My Organization, My Groups, or Everyone.

    You can also search for layers by most recent, most viewed, highest rated, title, and owner.

  5. Choose a webmap and click Select. Click Cancel to return to the Imagery Project Details page.

    The new web map appears in Web Map Referenced in this Project. You can change the web map again using the same process.

  6. You can also click Reset to Default to return to your default web map.

Delete an imagery project from the project details

If you are the owner of an imagery project, you can delete an imagery project from the View Details page. To delete a project, complete the following steps:

  1. Browse to the Project Details page for the desired project.
  2. Click Delete Project.
  3. Click Delete to permanently delete your project. Optionally, click Cancel to return to View Details.