What's new in ArcGIS Places data

Information about what's new in ArcGIS Places data is provided below.

The June 2024 release includes updates to ArcGIS Places data. For details about what was updated for each country, see Change log - June 2024. For details about updates from earlier releases, see the change log folder. For more information about data coverage and update frequency, see Access places data.

This release includes updated content from Data Axle, Esri India, ArcGIS Places data derived from content supplied by Foursquare, and SafeGraph.

Data Axle

The following were added or updated in the Data Axle business locations dataset:

  • Vintage February 2024.
  • Added new government business records and online directory resources to Data Axle's business compilation process. This has resulted in an increase in records for sectors, including medical/health businesses, nonprofit organizations, education/library and government, mining, and unclassified businesses relative to prior releases. Over 900,000 records were added between February 2023 and February 2024.
  • Added new attributes: Location Parent, Location Parent Relationship, and Specialty.
  • Updated attributes:

    • Locator Match Status and Locator Match Rating are now only available in Canada.
    • Professional Specialty was merged into the new Specialty attribute.

  • The Specialty attribute combines content from Data Axle that includes religious denomination, restaurant cuisines, restaurant service type, business type, car make, and professional specialty.

Esri India

The following updates were made to the Esri India dataset:

  • Total Esri India Places location count: 9,732,246
  • Added 1.2 million records
  • Deleted 8,000 locations
  • Updated Brand name and Street name for 4.1 million records, bringing the total records with Street name to 9.2 million
  • Added validation for longer state names


The following updates were made to the ArcGIS Places dataset derived from content supplied by Foursquare:

  • Vintage April 2024
  • Added three new attributes: Symbol ID, Open 24 Hours a Day, and UTC Time Zone


The following updates were made to the SafeGraph dataset:

  • Vintage March 2024
  • Removed the Phone Number attribute
  • Updated the Address attribute to no longer include Street name (applied to U.S. dataset only)
  • Added the Esri PID attribute