National Statistical Directory of Economic Units (DENUE)

Esri uses location data supplied by the National Statistical Directory of Economic Units (DENUE, or Directorio Estadístico Nacional de Unidades Económicas) through the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) to create an ArcGIS Places dataset for Mexico.

ArcGIS Places can include businesses, government buildings such as a post office, landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, and natural features such as a lake or a trail head. DENUE offers data about the identification, location, economic activity, and size of active businesses in the segment of large establishments. Visit Introduction to ArcGIS Places for more information.



Base level geography

Esri's Mexican ArcGIS Places are geocoded points.

Update frequency



The available attributes for Esri's Mexican ArcGIS Places dataset sourced from DENUE include the following:


Place ID

Unique numeric key for each DENUE record.


Business Name

The commercial name or external name with which the economic unit is identified or advertised. When the economic unit does not have a commercial name, it is registered with a generic activity or economic description, for example: ABARROTES or Retail trade in grocery, grocery, and miscellaneous stores.

Grapas Nacionales de México

Registration Method

The way in which the legal entity is legally constituted and registered, or the name of a legally constituted company. It is important to consider that in some commercial companies, the company name and the commercial name may be the same, for example: GILSA, S.A. de C.V. When the economic unit belongs to a natural person, the data is not included to protect the confidentiality of the information.

Grapas Nacionales de México SA de CV


Numeric activity code using the Sistema de Clasificación Industrial de América del Norte (SCIAN) published in the Official Gazette of the Federation of July 10, 2009. The code is assigned based on the main activity carried out by the economic unit and in accordance with SCIAN 2018. Both the products (goods and services) developed by the establishment and their production processes were considered.


SCIAN Definition

Description of the activity code according to the Sistema de Clasificación Industrial de América del Norte (SCIAN) 2018.

Comercio Al por Mayor de Maquinaria y Equipo para la Industria Manufacturera

SCIAN English Definition

Description of the activity code according to SCIAN 2018 in English language.

Wholesale trade of manufacturing machinery and equipment

Number of Employees

Number of persons employed by the economic unit. It includes personnel hired directly by the company who worked at least one third of the workday. Employees may be plant personnel, eventual paid, or unpaid. Size range of businesses are designated as follows:

  • 0–5 people
  • 6-10 people
  • 11–30 people
  • 31–50 people
  • 51–100 people
  • 101–250 people
  • >= 251 people

11–30 people

Street Type

The prefix of the street or highway name (for example, boulevard, avenida, or calle).


Street Name

The name of the street or highway.


Alt-Street Type 1

The prefix of the alternate street or highway name (for example, boulevard, avenida, or calle).


Alt-Street Name 1

The alternate name of the street or highway.


Alt-Street Type 2

The secondary alternate prefix of the street or highway name (for example, boulevard, avenida, or calle).


Alt-Street Name 2

The secondary alternate name of the street or highway.


Alt Street Type 3

The tertiary alternate prefix of the street or highway name (for example, boulevard, avenida, or calle).


Alt-Street Name 3

The tertiary alternate name of the street or highway.


Address Number

Numeric values that identify one or more properties on a road.


Address Letter

Alphanumeric characters that identify one or more properties on a road.


Building Name

The name of the building where the economic unit is located.


Building Floor

The floor or level in the building where the economic unit is located.


Suite Number

Numeric suite number for the economic unit.


Suite Letter

Alphanumeric suite number for the economic unit.


Area Type

A classification given to the human settlement where the business unit is located according to its function (colony, subdivision, housing unit, and so on).


Name of Area Type

The type of the human settlement where the economic unit is located.

Héroes de Padierna

Type of Center

Type of plaza, mall, or shopping center, where the economic unit is located, if applicable.

Zona Industrial

Center Name

Name of the square, shopping center, and so on where the economic unit is located.


Location Label

Alphanumeric data for the place where the economic unit is located.

N_8 y N_9

Postal Code

Numeric 5-digit code established by the Mexican Postal Service.


Federal Office Key

Code that identifies the statistical federative entity.


Federal Office

The name that identifies the federative entity.

Ciudad de México

Civic Municipality Key

Code that identifies the statistical municipality, and in the case of Mexico City, the mayor's offices.



The name that identifies the municipality, and in the case of Mexico City, the mayor's offices.


Civic Location Key

Code that identifies the statistical location (neighborhood, town, or equivalent).



The name that identifies the statistical location (neighborhood, town, or equivalent).



Área Geoestadística Básica (AGEB) is a territorial extension that corresponds to the subdivision of the AGEM. The AGEB ID is the basic unit of the National Geostatistical Framework (Marco Geoestadístico Nacional) and, depending on its characteristics, is classified into one of two types, Basic Urban Geostatistical Areas (Áreas geoestadísticas básicas urbanas) or Basic Rural Geostatistical Areas (Áreas geoestadísticas básicas rurales).



Geostatistical code of the block, composed of 3 digits, which identifies a territorial extension that is made up of a group of dwellings, buildings, properties, lots or land for residential, commercial, industrial or service use.



Telephone number for the economic unit.



The primary contact email for the economic unit.


Publicly available website (URL) for the economic unit.

Location Type

A group of categories used to identify whether the establishment is fixed or semi-fixed, using the following definitions:

  • Fixed establishment: the unit is in a single physical location, permanently settled in a place and delimited by buildings and fixed installations, combines actions and resources under the control of a single owner or controlling entity to carry out some economic activity with and without profit purposes, except those destined for self-consumption. This type of establishment includes dwellings when some economic activity is carried out in some space of the house-room, which is also used for other daily activities.
  • Semi-fixed establishment: Business units that are fixed, embedded in the ground, and that remain in the same place even if their facilities are fragile or rustic. Includes facilities that are not removed, even if their purpose is temporary or seasonal, as long as they remain in one place for a period of at least three months.



The distance between the economic unit and the equator, measured on the meridian that passes through that point.



The distance between the economic unit and the Greenwich meridian, measured on the parallel that passes through that point.


Date Altered

Date on which the economic unit joined the National Statistical Directory of Economic Units and the Statistical Business Registry of Mexico (RENEM).



Full address.

Calle Hopelchén 417

Geocode Record Key

Geocode Record Key


Registered Business Status

Status of registered business, pays taxes, and other fees.


Formal Status

Formal or informal status if informal Business Names was populated with SCIAN Definition.