Import a 2.x project

2023.1    |

The latest release of ArcGIS Drone2Map uses the same project format as Drone2Map 2.x (.d2mx file); however, projects that were created in Drone2Map 2.x must be upgraded to the same version as the latest release.

To upgrade a Drone2Map 2.x project to the latest release, complete the following steps:

  1. Start Drone2Map. Alternatively, if you have a project open, on the ribbon, click the Project tab, and click Open from the list.
  2. From the Open Recent Project list, click Open Another Project.
  3. Browse to the .d2mx file to be upgraded.
  4. Click OK.

    The Upgrade Project window appears where you can specify a new name and location for the project. Two options are available for upgrading the project:

    • Copy—Products from the 2.x project are copied to the new project directory.
    • Minimum—No products are added to the new project and only project data, such as image locations, flight lines, and control, is copied to the new project.

      Imported Drone2Map 2.x projects do not maintain previous processing settings and must be reconfigured for new product generation.

  5. Click OK.