Manage flight data

2023.1    |

Once you create a project and you're on its home screen, you can start processing imagery. To update image information before processing, use the Flight Data tab.

You can perform the following tasks in the Manage group:

  • View the Images table.
  • Configure radiometric calibration.
  • Add and remove images.
  • Enable and disable images.
  • Edit the camera model.

Images table

The Images table provides information about each image in a collection. Use this table to obtain information and sort the images.

Field nameDescription


Displays the name of the image


Date and time the image was taken


Path to the image on disk


Latitudinal coordinates of the image


Longitudinal coordinates of the image


Altitude of the image


Direction heading of the drone platform


Pitch (tilt) of the drone platform


Displays True when the altitude has been adjusted and False when it hasn't been adjusted


Displays True when the image is enabled and False when it is disabled

Configure radiometric calibration

If you are using certain supported multispectral cameras in your projects, you can configure radiometric calibration before processing products. For steps and more details, see Radiometric calibration.

Add and remove images

You can add and remove images from a project to see how multiple flights and collections affect your products.

Add images

To add images, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Flight Data tab, in the Manage group, click Add Images.
  2. Follow the steps in Create a project to add images to a project.

Remove images

To remove images from a project, complete the following steps:

  1. Select one or more images from the map or the images table.
  2. On the Flight Data tab, in the Manage group, click Remove Images.
  3. Click Yes to confirm or No to cancel.

Enable and disable images

Images that you add to a project are enabled by default, meaning they are included during processing. You can disable select images before processing but keep them in the project. Disabled images remain in the project but are not included during processing.

Enable images

To enable images, complete the following steps:

  1. Select one or more images from the map or the images table.
  2. On the Flight Data tab, in the Manage group, click Enable Images.
  3. Click Yes to confirm.

Disable images

To disable images, complete the following steps:

  1. Select one or more images.
  2. On the Flight Data tab, in the Manage group, click Disable Images.
  3. Click Yes to confirm or No to cancel.

Edit the camera model

To edit the parameters in the camera model, click the Edit Camera button to open the Edit Camera Parameters pane. For steps and more details, see Edit the camera model.