Multispectral camera support

2023.1    |

Multispectral cameras are quickly becoming a valuable tool in drone imagery collection as the cameras become cheaper and lighter. They can be useful for many types of analysis. In ArcGIS Drone2Map multispectral cameras can be used in assessing vegetation health within an area by turning the multiple bands they collect into and orthomosaic to derive various vegetation indices. ArcGIS Drone2Map currently supports processing of multispectral imagery from the following cameras and will continue to expand support for new cameras in the future.


Multispectral and thermal processing in ArcGIS Drone2Map is only intended for 2D products.

For more information on radiometric calibration see radiometric correction.

Camera ModelBandsRadiometric CalibrationColor Balancing

DJI P4 Multispectral

Blue, Green, Red, RedEdge, Near Infrared


MicaSense Altum

Blue, Green, Red, RedEdge, Near Infrared, Thermal



MicaSense RedEdge

Blue, Green, Red, RedEdge, Near Infrared



MicaSense RedEdge MX

Blue, Green, Red, RedEdge, Near Infrared



MicaSense RedEdge MX Dual

Coastal Blue, Blue, Green (531), Green (560), Red (650), Red (668), RedEdge (705), RedEdge (715), Near Infrared


MicaSense RedEdge-P

Blue, Green, Red, RedEdge, Near Infrared


Sensefly Parrot Sequoia+

Green, Red, RedEdge, Near Infrared


Sentera 4

Blue, Green, Red, RedEdge, Near Infrared


Sentera 6X

Blue, Green, Red, RedEdge, Near Infrared


SlantRange 4P

Blue, Green, Red (620), Red (670), RedEdge, Near Infrared


SlantRange 4P+

Blue, Green, Red (620), Red (670), RedEdge, Near Infrared


*See note

MicaSense RedEdge, RedEdge MX and Altum sensors can only be color balanced when using the Digital Number quantity type within the Radiometric Calibration window. Once Digital Number is chosen the Color Balancing check box will be available to check on in the image collection processing options.

SlantRange cameras write images that are named using unix timestamps. These images have no attached metadata and even with a GPS file will not properly import into ArcGIS Drone2Map. However, the SlantRange software can convert the original images into new tifs that are named properly and contain the necessary flight metadata.