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Create geometry

The Create geometry tool creates a geometry field using one or more fields.


The Create geometry tool can be used in scenarios such as the following:

  • Create a point geometry field from a tabular dataset that contains Longitude and Latitude fields.
  • Create a line geometry field from a dataset with a string field with well-known text (WKT) values.
  • Create multiple geometry fields for each location stored in a dataset and output a feature layer for each.


The following table outlines the parameters used in the Create geometry tool:


Input dataset

The dataset for which a geometry field will be created.

Geometry type

The type of geometry that will be created.

Geometry format

Specifies the format of the input values that will be used to create a geometry field.

Geometry field

A single field used to represent the geometry. This parameter is required when the Geometry format value is WKT, WKB, GeoJSON, or EsriJSON.

X field

The field used to represent the x-location. This parameter is used when the Geometry format value is XYZ.

Y field

The field used to represent the y-location. This parameter is used when the Geometry format value is XYZ.

Z field

The field used to represent the z-location. This parameter is used when the Geometry format is XYZ and the dataset has a z-value.

Keep source fields

Specifies whether the fields used to create a geometry will be maintained in the output.

Spatial reference

The spatial reference of the input field values.

Output geometry field name

The name of new geometry field. This parameter is optional. By default, the output field name will be GEOMETRY.

Usage notes

Use the Input dataset parameter to identify the dataset for which a geometry field will be created. The dataset will be returned in the output with a new geometry field added.

Use the Geometry type parameter to specify the type of geometry that will be created. The options are as follows:

  • Point—A point geometry will be created.
  • Multipoint—A multipoint geometry will be created.
  • Polyline—A polyline geometry will be created.
  • Polygon—A polygon geometry will be created.

Use the Geometry format parameter to specify the format in which the input geometry field values are stored. The options are as follows:

  • XYZ—Two or more fields will represent x, y, and optionally, z. This format is only supported for the point geometry type. The fields used can be of type numeric or string.
  • WKT—The geometry will be represented by a single field in a WKT field. The field used must be of type string.
  • WKB—The geometry will be represented by a single field in a well-known binary field. The field used must be of type BLOB.
  • GeoJSON—The geometry will be represented by a single field in GeoJSON format. The field used must be of type string.
  • EsriJSON—The geometry will be represented by a single field in EsriJSON format. The field used must be of type string.

Use the Spatial reference parameter to identify the coordinate system that the input location values are stored in.

By default, the fields used to create the geometry will be removed from the output dataset. To maintain the input fields, enable the Keep source fields parameter.


The tool output includes a dataset with all fields from the input dataset in addition to a new geometry field. If you did not specify an output field name, the geometry field will be named GEOMETRY by default. The output field type is geometry and contains the location information for each record.

To verify that the geometry has been calculated successfully, use Preview to inspect the result. The preview options are as follows:

  • Map preview—Use the Map preview tab to confirm the locations look correct on a map.
  • Table preview—Use the Table preview tab to inspect the newly calculated geometry field. If the geometry for a record was successfully calculated, the field will contain a string representing the type of geometry, for example POLYLINE or POINT. If the geometry for a record was not calculated successfully, the field will contain an empty value.
  • Schema—Use the Schema tab to confirm the spatial reference and geometry type. The spatial reference will be represented as a WKID value.


The following are known limitations for the Create geometry tool:

  • You can only create one new geometry field at a time. To create more than one, run the tool multiple times.
  • You cannot project or transform the geometry field. You must specify the spatial reference the geometry was recorded in. To project a geometry field from one spatial reference to another, use the Project geometry tool.

Licensing requirements

The following licensing and configurations are required:

  • Creator or Professional user type
  • Publisher, Facilitator, or Administrator role, or an equivalent custom role

To learn more about Data Pipelines requirements, see Requirements.