Configure the source documents directories

2025    |

You must complete these steps before you publish the World_Imagery service; otherwise, you cannot view Imagery Citations.

ArcGIS Server maintains a list of directories in which it can find file geodatabases. If you are publishing the World_Imagery service for World Standard (on Collection 2), World Advanced (on Collection 3), North America Standard (on Collection 4), or North America Advanced (on Collection 5), you need to explicitly add the ArcGIS Data Appliance source documents directories to this list.


You do not need to perform this step if you are publishing the World_Imagery service for Collection 1 (World Basic).

To configure the directories, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Server using the ArcGIS Data Appliance data account with administrator privileges.
  2. Start Server Manager and sign in using your Primary Site Administrator account.
  3. Click the Site tab.
  4. On the Server Configuration tab, click Data Stores.
  5. Click the Register drop-down arrow and choose Folder.
  6. On the Register Folder dialog box, provide a value in the Name field, for example, Imagery Citations.

    Register Folder dialog box

  7. For Publisher Folder Path, type \\OriginalServer\source_documents\data.

    You do not need to specify a name for Publisher Folder Hostname.

  8. For Server Folder Path, uncheck the Same as publisher folder path check box, and provide the path to the source_documents\data directory on the ArcGIS Data Appliance collection you created when you created shares, for example, \\ARCGISDATAAPP\CollectionX_source_documents\data, in which X is the number of the collection you created shares for.
  9. Click Create to register the directory.