An overview of the Asset Package toolset

Available with Standard or Advanced license.

The Asset Package toolset in the Utility Network Package toolbox provides tools to work with asset packages.

Apply Asset Package

Configures a utility network using the properties and schema defined in an asset package.

Asset Package to Geodatabase

Uses an asset package to apply domain networks, related tables and properties of a utility network to a file geodatabase.

Change Asset Package Spatial Reference

Creates a new file geodatabase which models the asset package schema in the user-specified spatial reference.

Create Configurations Table

Creates a table in the asset package that can be used for grouping items into configurations which can be excluded when applying the asset package to the utility network.

Create Rename Table

Creates a table in the asset package that can be used for renaming items.

Export Asset Package

Creates an asset package from a configured utility network.

Upgrade Asset Package

Upgrades the asset package to the current release.

Tools in the Asset Package toolset.