Asset Package to Geodatabase (Utility Network Package)


Uses an asset package to apply domain networks, related tables, and properties of a utility network to a geodatabase.


This tool generates the same output as running Create File Geodatabase or Create Mobile Geodatabase, and then running Stage Utility Network and Apply Asset Package in sequence.


  • This tool allows you to copy the data and schema of an asset package to a geodatabase so that it can be used in any client that supports geodatabases.


LabelExplanationData Type
Asset Package

The asset package that will be used to configure the schema and properties of a utility network.

Service Territory Feature Class

The feature layer that will be used to create the utility network's geographical extent. The service territory feature class must have at least one feature. Utility network features cannot be created outside of this extent.

The feature class will have the following characteristics:

  • It will be copied into the new feature dataset as m- and z-enabled.
  • Editor tracking will be enabled.
  • GlobalIDs will be added if they are not already present.

Feature Layer
Folder Location

The folder location where the geodatabase will be created.

Geodatabase Name

The name of the output geodatabase.

Feature Dataset Name

The name for the feature dataset that will be created in which the utility network and schema will be located.

Utility Network Name

The name of the utility network that will be created.

Domain Networks to apply

The domain networks in the asset package that will be applied to the utility network.

Multiple Value
Load data

Defines whether data in the asset package is loaded into the utility network.

  • Checked—Appends the data from all feature classes and tables, and imports associations and subnetwork controllers.
  • Unchecked—Only the schema of the utility network is applied. This is the default.
Post Process

Post process runs three processes to enable topology, update subnetworks, and update Is Connected.

  • Checked—Enable network topology, update all subnetworks, and update Is Connected will be performed.
  • Unchecked—No network updates will be made. This is the default.
Configurations to apply

Select the configuration options you want to apply to your utility network. This parameter is applicable when a D_Configurations table is present in your asset package.

Multiple Value
Rename options

Select the rename option you want to apply to your utility network. This parameter is applicable when the D_Rename table is present in your asset package.

Workspace Type

The type of geodatabase to create.

  • File Geodatabase—Creates a file geodatabase.
  • Mobile Geodatabase—Creates a mobile geodatabase. This is the default.


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes