Use GIS Request Management

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.4)    |    |  

The GIS Request Management solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you solicit requests for service, manage the delivery of GIS services, and promote the value of GIS to internal stakeholders.

In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the following workflows.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

Explore GIS services

The GIS Service Center can be used by internal stakeholders to learn about the organization's GIS program and services. Visitors to the site can submit a GIS request and track its status and other updates.

Request ArcGIS account

Visitors to the GIS Service Center must have an ArcGIS organizational account to access the Service Portal page and submit GIS requests for service.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of an internal stakeholder who needs to request an ArcGIS account.

  1. In a browser, browse to the GIS Service Center site.
  2. Scroll to the Need help section, and click the Request account button to open the ArcGIS Account Request form.
  3. Complete the ArcGIS Account Request form, and click Submit.
  4. Once the account is created and sign-in instructions are provided, you can sign in and access the Service Portal page.

Submit request for GIS service

Internal stakeholders can visit the Service Portal page to explore GIS resources, submit requests for GIS services, and track the status of their requests.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of an internal stakeholder who wants to visit the Service Portal and submit a request for GIS services.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the GIS Service Center site.
  2. On the site header, click the Service Portal tab.
  3. Scroll through the site and review the content.
  4. In the Need help section, click the Submit request button to open the GIS Service Request form.

    The GIS Service Request form opens on a new tab.

  5. Complete the GIS Service Request survey with as much information as possible.

    Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.

  6. Click Submit.
  7. Return to the Service Portal page.
  8. In the Track Status section, review the My GIS Requests dashboard to track the status of the request.

Complete GIS satisfaction survey

When a request is completed, the GIS team has the option to send an email to the customer containing a link to a satisfaction survey.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a customer who submitted a request and wants to provide feedback on how it was handled by the GIS team.

  1. Open your email client.
  2. Click on the GIS Request Satisfaction Survey email.
  3. Click the URL in the email to open the GIS Request Satisfaction Survey.
  4. Complete the GIS Request Satisfaction Survey with your feedback.
  5. Optionally, for Any additional comments you would like to share, add any other comments.
  6. For Would you like someone to follow up with you, click Yes.
  7. Provide information for the Full Name, Email, and Phone Number parameters.
  8. Click Submit.

Manage GIS requests and activities

GIS managers can use the GIS Request Management Center to manage GIS requests and activities for the organization to ensure that they are resolved in a timely manner and do not impact organizational confidence in GIS services.

Manage ArcGIS account requests

The GIS Request Management Center allows GIS managers to review and approve requests for ArcGIS accounts submitted by internal stakeholders.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a GIS manager who needs to review and approve ArcGIS accounts.

  1. In a browser, verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the GIS Request Management Center app.
  2. From the item page, click View.
  3. In the app header, click the Manage drop-down arrow, and click Account requests.
  4. In the top right corner of the page, click Actions, and click Set filter.
  5. Click + Add, and select Clause.
  6. Set the clause to Status is Submitted.
  7. Turn on the toggle filter for the AccountRequests layer.

    The table is filtered to only show submitted account requests.

  8. Select a record from the table and review the request details.
  9. Optionally, update any information provided by the submitter in the Personal Information and Request Details sections of the form.
  10. Optionally, update the values in the Account Details section of the form.

    The values in this section should match the properties of the ArcGIS account that will be created based on the request.

  11. In the Staff Notes section, update the status to Approved and provide any comments.
  12. Click Update.
  13. Click the Invite Members button.

    The portal's Members tab opens on a new tab.

  14. Click Invite members.
  15. Choose a method for inviting the new member, and click Next.
  16. Click New member.
  17. Complete the required information for the new member using the values provided in the Personal Information and Account Details sections of the form for reference.
  18. Complete the new member creation process, and return to the GIS Request Management Center app.
  19. The following steps in this workflow are optional. They explain how to load multiple members using a .csv file.

  20. Select multiple submitted records from the table.
  21. Select a record from the list to review and update any details.
  22. With the records still selected, click Actions.
  23. Under Selected, click Export, and select Export to CSV.

    A .csv file named AccountRequests is downloaded to your computer.

  24. Click the Invite Members button.
  25. Click Invite members.
  26. Choose a method for inviting the new member, and click Next.
  27. Click New members from a file.
  28. Drag and drop or browse to the AccountRequests.csv file.
  29. Review and correct any errors, and click Next.
  30. Complete the new member creation process, and return to the GIS Request Management Center app.

Create new GIS activity

New GIS activities can be created directly from the GIS Request Management Center. This is helpful for activities that originate from ad-hoc or emergency requests, as well as GIS activities that do not originate from a customer request but support core functions of the GIS team (for example, administrative, infrastructure, and so on).

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a GIS manager who needs to create a GIS activity.

  1. In a browser, verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the GIS Request Management Center app.
  2. From the item page, click View.
  3. In the app header, click the Plan drop-down arrow, and click New activity.

    The GIS Activity form opens on a new tab.

  4. Complete the GIS Activity survey with as much information as possible.

    Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.

  5. If the activity is on behalf of a customer, update the values in the Customer Information section of the form.
  6. Optionally, update the values in the Goals and Capabilities section of the form.
  7. Click Submit.

Manage GIS activities

The GIS Request Management Center allows GIS managers to view, plan, assign, and manage GIS activities for the organization.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a GIS manager who wants to manage GIS activities.

  1. In a browser, verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the GIS Request Management Center.
  2. From the item page, click View.
  3. In the app header, click the Plan drop-down arrow, and click Planned activities.

    The page includes a dashboard to view planned GIS activities and team capacity.

  4. In the filter panel, adjust the filters to refine the GIS activities in the table.
  5. Review the elements in the dashboard.
  6. In the app header, click the Manage drop-down arrow, and click GIS activities.

    The page includes a dashboard to view and manage GIS activities for the organization.

  7. In the Activities table, select an activity with the status of Submitted and review its details and any comments in the lower corner of the dashboard.
  8. Click the Update tab.
  9. Scroll down the form and update the Planned Start Date, Planned End Date, and Planned Effort (in hours) parameters.
  10. Click the Status drop-down arrow, and choose Assigned To.
  11. Click the Assigned To drop-down arrow, and choose a team member.
  12. Optionally, update other values in the Activity Information section of the form.
  13. Optionally, add a comment.

    When Comment Visible to Customer is set to Yes, the comment displays in the My GIS Requests dashboard. This is useful when the activity is based on a request, and you want to keep the customer informed of its status.

  14. Optionally, update the values in the Customer Information section of the form.
  15. Optionally, update the values in the Goals and Capabilities section of the form.
  16. Click Submit.
  17. In the Activities table, select an activity with the status of Completed.
  18. Click the View tab, and review the activity's details and comments.
  19. Scroll to the bottom of the Details element, and click the Send satisfaction survey button.
  20. Review the formatted email, and click send.

Manage my GIS activities

Larger, or more structured, organizations may have a team lead review each GIS request and assign it to individual team members. GIS staff can then use the My GIS Activities dashboard to manage GIS requests and activities assigned to them. GIS staff can also create new GIS activities for work they're responsible for, and review their work performance.

Create new GIS activity

GIS staff can create GIS activities directly from the My GIS Activities dashboard. This is helpful for activities that originate from ad-hoc or emergency requests, as well as GIS activities that do not originate from a customer request but support core functions of the GIS team (for example, administrative, infrastructure, and so on).

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a GIS team member who needs to create a GIS activity.

  1. In a browser, verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the My GIS Activities dashboard.
  2. From the item page, click Open Dashboard.
  3. On the left, click Create a new activity.

    The GIS Activity form opens on a new tab.

  4. Complete the GIS Activity survey with as much information as possible.

    Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.

  5. If the activity is on behalf of a customer, update the values in the Customer Information section of the form.
  6. Click Submit.

Record my work

The My GIS Activities dashboard allows GIS staff to manage their GIS activities assigned to them.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a GIS team member who wants to manage their GIS activities.

  1. In a browser, verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the My GIS Activities dashboard.
  2. From the item page, click Open Dashboard.

    The dashboard opens with a filter automatically applied to show only the activities for the signed-in user.

  3. In the Activities table, select an activity with the status of Assigned and review its details and any comments in the lower corner of the dashboard.
  4. Click the Update tab.
  5. Optionally, update values in the Activity Information section of the form.
  6. Optionally, add a comment.

    When Comment Visible to Customer is set to Yes, the comment displays in the My GIS Requests dashboard. This is useful when the activity is based on a request, and you want to keep the customer informed of its status.

  7. Optionally, update the values in the Customer Information section of the form.
  8. Click Submit.
  9. In the Activities table, select an activity with the status of Completed.
  10. Click the View tab, and review the activity's details and comments.
  11. Scroll to the bottom of the Details element, and click the Send satisfaction survey button.
  12. Review the formatted email, and click send.

Review my performance

As GIS staff complete activities over time, they can review the impact and satisfaction of the individual work they've performed for the organization.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a GIS team member who wants to review their individual performance.

  1. In a browser, verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the My GIS Activities dashboard.
  2. From the item page, click Open Dashboard.
  3. At the bottom of the dashboard, click the My work tab.

    The tab includes metrics for the team member's individual performance.

  4. In the filter panel, adjust the filters to refine the results.
  5. Review the charts and details in the dashboard.

Review GIS program performance

As GIS activities are completed over time, GIS staff can review the performance of their GIS program and understand the impact of their work.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a GIS manager who wants to review performance of the GIS program.

  1. In a browser, verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the GIS Request Management Center app.
  2. From the item page, click View.
  3. In the app header, click the Insight drop-down arrow, and click GIS activities.

    The page includes a dashboard where you can gain insight into GIS activities.

  4. On the left, in the filter panel, adjust the filters to refine the results.
  5. Review the charts and details in the dashboard.
  6. In the app header, click the Insight drop-down arrow, and click GIS program.

    The page includes a dashboard where you can gain insight into GIS activities and their alignment with goals and capabilities.

  7. In the filter panel, adjust the filters to refine the results.
  8. Review the charts and details in the dashboard.