Use HLZ Suitability

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.4)    |    |  

The HLZ Suitability solution delivers a set of capabilities that help defense and emergency management organizations identify areas suitable for helicopter landing zones.

In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the following workflows.

Use your organization's data or the provided sample data to complete the tasks included in this solution's ArcGIS Pro project.

Get started

First, you will download and unzip the HLZ Suitability Project.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the HLZ Suitability Project item.
  2. From the item page, click Download.
  3. Unzip the downloaded folder, and then from the unzipped folder, open the ArcGIS Pro project.
  4. On the View tab, in the Window group, click Catalog Pane.
  5. In the Catalog pane, expand the Tasks folder.

    If you do not see the Catalog pane, from the View tab, in the Windows group, click Catalog Pane.

  6. Expand the Tasks folder and then double-click the HLZ Suitability task group.
  7. In the Tasks pane, expand the Explore HLZ Suitability task group to see the collection of tasks.
    Click a group heading or task name to view its description at the bottom of the Tasks pane.
  8. Double-click Overview to review the project.
  9. Double-click What's Included to review the data, tools, and files included with the project.
  10. Each task group includes a set of steps for using the solution.

Set up the HLZ Suitability project

Before starting analysis, the HLZ Suitability Project must be configured to reflect your operational environment and the terrain data available. The Set up the HLZ Suitability project task group will guide you through this configuration.

This task group includes the following tasks:

  • Establish operational environment
  • Identify spatial reference
  • Identify and add source data

Reclassify rasters

Land cover and slope are factors in determining HLZ suitability. The Reclassify Rasters task group guides you through reclassifying land cover data and elevation data to areas suitable for HLZs using raster functions. The solution includes preconfigured raster functions that are specific to certain land cover datasets or defense and emergency management standards. Slope requirements are derived from FM 3-21.38 Pathfinder Operations (25 April 2006) and National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) Standards for Helicopter Operations (May 2019). Additionally, you can input your own data schema and standards in custom land cover and slope raster functions.

This task group includes the following tasks:

  • Reclassify land cover
  • Reclassify elevation/slope

Process U.S. FAA obstacle features

Obstacles also impact HLZ suitability. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) produces a Digital Obstacle File (DOF) that "describes all known obstacles of interest to aviation users in the United States, with limited coverage of the Pacific, the Caribbean, Canada, and Mexico" (FAA). Per your operational environment and needs, use the Process U.S. FAA Obstacle Features task group to create obstructions and obstacle buffers. Obstacle buffers can be created to reflect the standard 10:1 offset ratio or a custom offset ratio.

This task group includes the following tasks:

  • Download U.S. FAA Digital Obstacle File (DOF)
  • Create obstructions and standard buffers
  • Create obstructions and custom buffers

Process other obstacle features

Obstacles can also be acquired from other sources or digitized as needed. Per your operational environment and needs, use the Process Other Obstacle Features task group to create obstructions and obstacle buffers. Obstacle buffers can be created to reflect the standard 10:1 offset ratio or a custom offset ratio.

This task group includes the following tasks:

  • Create obstacle features
  • Create standard obstacle buffers
  • Create custom obstacle buffers

Assess HLZ suitability

Next, use the processed land cover and slope rasters and any obstacle buffers to create HLZ suitability overlays. Use the Assess HLZ Suitability task group to create overlays that depict locations that are acceptable, acceptable with caution, or that include obstacle interference. The overlays can then be further processed to remove small areas that do not meet the minimum required landing point diameter and circular area for a designated aircraft or operation type. Requirements are derived from FM 3-21.38 Pathfinder Operations (25 April 2006) and National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) Standards for Helicopter Operations (May 2019). Additional screening of these areas can be conducted with reference tessellation grids, imagery, and soil data.

This task group includes the following tasks:

  • Generate HLZ Suitability
  • Convert to suitability polygons (optional)
  • Assess suitability polygons (optional)
  • Generate reference tessellation grid
  • Review imagery
  • Review soils

Create HLZ features

Now, use the Create HLZ Features task group to create HLZ polygon features per aircraft or operation type requirements.

This task group includes the following tasks:

  • Create HLZ features

Share analysis and products

After analysis is complete, the output layers and data can be shared with your organization. The Share Analysis and Products task group will guide you through steps to share data and map products with your organization.

This task group includes the following tasks:

  • Publish and share content
  • Export layout