Use Public Notification

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.1)    |    |  

The Public Notification solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you identify properties, generate a list of owners or occupants, and document which properties were included in the public notice.

In this topic, you’ll learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the workflows below.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

Create mailing list

An update to the land-use plan requires a zoning change for a residential area. As a result, city planners must notify property owners and occupants in and around the proposed change of an upcoming public meeting. In this workflow, you'll learn how to create a structured mailing list using a selected parcel and adding the appropriate buffer to notify property owners and occupants.

You will start by assuming the role of a city and regional planner. You are asked to use Public Notification to notify property owners and occupants of a proposed zoning change.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Public Notification solution.
  2. View the Public Notification app.
  3. On the right, use the search field to search for a parcel or address, or use the Select tool to select a feature directly on the map.

    The search options that you see vary depending on how you configured the app.


    You can also use the Select tool to add features to an existing selection by pressing Shift and drawing the addition on the map. You can use the Select tool to remove features by pressing Ctrl and drawing around the area that you want to remove.

  4. Optionally, apply a search distance to add a buffer.

    The buffer distance set during the configuration will be used as the default for each layer.

  5. For Addressee Layer, choose the layer to use for the notification.
  6. If applicable, click Review to further refine and finalize your selection; use the Select tool to add or remove parcels.
  7. For Format, choose the PDF label format or CSV output for the notification.
  8. Click Download.

In this topic
  1. Create mailing list