Configure Park Infrastructure Management

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.1)    |    |  

In this topic, you'll learn how to configure the Park Infrastructure Management solution to meet specific needs in your organization.

Load data

Park Infrastructure Management can be used to inventory park assets, understand asset condition, and communicate changing asset conditions that impact park services.

Review the layers provided with the solution and determine what source data you want to load. Then, load your existing data into the layers provided with the solution before sharing the maps or applications.

Once you have determined what source data must be loaded, complete the data loading workflow below.

Load data from a shapefile

  1. In your ArcGIS organization, browse to the feature layer you wish to populate.
  2. On the feature layer item details page, Click Update Data and select Append Data to Layer.
  3. Under Filename, click Choose File.
  4. Browse to your .zip file and click Open.
  5. Click Upload and Continue.
  6. Choose the layer that you want to load data into and the layer that contains the updated data.
  7. Uncheck Update existing features.
  8. Click Show field matching and map the fields between the two layers.
  9. Click Apply Updates.

Modify inspection and maintenance types

The Park Infrastructure Management solution helps you assess park asset condition and record maintenance activities. Inspection and maintenance types are defined on the ParkAssets feature layer and appear in the Park Field Map when park rangers are recording their work. In some cases, you may want to modify inspection and maintenance types to meet your organization’s needs

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the ParkAssets feature layer.
  2. Open the item page and click the Data tab.
  3. Click the Layer drop-down and select Trails Inspection.
  4. Click Fields.
  5. Click the Inspection Type display name.
  6. Click Create List.
  7. Type the new inspection type into the Displayed Value and Stored Value text boxes.
  8. Optionally, click Add to create additional inspection types.
  9. Optionally, click the Delete button to remove an inspection type from the list.
  10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 to add the remaining inspection types.
  11. Optionally, drag the category to a new location in the list to reorder them.
  12. Click Save.
  13. Click the Layer drop-down and select Trails Maintenance.
  14. Click the Maintenance Type display name.
  15. In the List of Values (Domain) section, repeat steps 6-12 to add maintenance types.
  16. Repeat this process for the remaining inspection and maintenance tables (Barriers, Gates, Roads, Structures).

Administer field assignments

The Park Infrastructure Management solution can be used to manage work such as data collection, routine and ad-hoc inspections, and maintenance assigned to park rangers. Types of assignments appear in the Park Assignments app used by park rangers as well, the Park Assignments ArcGIS Workforce project and the Create Park Assignment ArcGIS Survey123 form.

The Park Infrastructure Management solution includes several assignment types. In some cases, you may want to modify inspection and maintenance types to meet your organization’s needs. Park rangers and dispatchers also need to be assigned roles in the Park Assignments ArcGIS Workforce project.

Administer park assignments

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and click the Apps button Apps button in the header of the site.
  2. From the app launcher, click Workforce to open the app.
  3. Under Projects, hover over the Park Assignments project, and click Configure.
  4. Click the Assignment Types tab.
  5. In the Assignment Type section, review existing types and identify ones that are not applicable and ones that are missing.
  6. Type a new assignment type in the Enter a new type text box then click + Type button.
  7. To remove assignment types, click the X button.
  8. Click the Users tab.
  9. From the Project Role menu, assign the user either the dispatcher role or mobile worker role.
  10. Click +User.
  11. Click the Advanced tab.
  12. Each assignment type is integrated to the Park Field Map. This allows park rangers to access the Park Field Map from the ArcGIS Workforce app. As you add new assignment types, you may want to add the Park Field Map integration.
  13. In the ArcGIS Field Maps, click Edit on any of the existing Park Field Map integrations.
  14. Check the box next to the new assignment type. Click the Next button.
  15. Click the Done button.

Update create park assignment form

  1. In your ArcGIS organization, browse to the Park Assignments feature layer.
  2. Before populating the new assignment types into the Create Park Assignment form, you will first copy the GlobalID for each new assignment type.
  3. Open the item page and click Open in Map Viewer.
  4. On the Contents (dark) toolbar, click Tables.
  5. Click Assignment Types layer.
  6. Click Tools in the table header and check the GlobalID field to show (unhide) in the table. Click Done to close the pop-up window.
  7. Expand the GlobalID field and copy each new assignment type's ID.
  8. Paste the copied GlobaIID or GlobalIDs into a text editor for reference.
  9. Install ArcGIS Survey123 Connect.
  10. Start ArcGIS Survey123 Connect and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  11. Click Create Park Assignment to download the survey.
  12. In the Download window, click Download and click OK.
  13. Click Create Park Assignment to open the survey.
  14. On the left, from the side toolbar, click the XLSForm button.
  15. At the bottom of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, click the choices tab.

    This tab comprises all the selectable options for survey questions.

  16. In the list_name column type ASSIGN_TYPE.
  17. In the name column, copy and paste the GlobalID, before and after the GlobalID add curly braces.

    For example, {5b3e80df-aec7-4739-929f-8cb70cdbd62c}.

  18. In the label column, type the assignment type.
  19. Repeat steps 15 through 17 for each new assignment type.
  20. Save and close the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and preview your changes in ArcGIS Survey123 Connect.
  21. In ArcGIS Survey123 Connect, in the left toolbar, click Publish to publish your changes.
  22. Click Publish survey to publish your changes, and then click OK.

Modify service request types

The Park Infrastructure Management solution can be used to solicit park requests for service from park rangers as well as the general public. Service request types appear in the Park Request Internal and Park Request ArcGIS Survey123 forms.

The Park Infrastructure Management solution includes several service request types. In some cases, you may want to modify service request types to meet your organization’s needs, for example you may want some requests to be available to park rangers using the Park Request Internal form that are not available to the general public using the Park Request form.

  1. Start ArcGIS Survey123 Connect and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  2. Click Park Request to download the survey.
  3. In the Download window, click Download and click OK.
  4. Click Park Request to open the survey.
  5. On the left, from the side toolbar, click the XLSForm button.
  6. At the bottom of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, click the choices tab.

    This tab comprises all the selectable options for survey questions.

  7. In the list_name column type reqtype.
  8. Type the new service request type into the name and lable columns.
  9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for each new service request type.
  10. Save and close the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and preview your changes in ArcGIS Survey123 Connect.
  11. In ArcGIS Survey123 Connect, in the left toolbar, click Publish to publish your changes.
  12. Click Publish survey to publish your changes, and then click OK.
  13. Click Park Request Internal to download the survey.
  14. Repeat steps 3 through 12 to add new service request types to the Park Request Internal form.