Configure Transportation 511

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.1)    |    |  

In this topic, you will learn how to configure the Transportation 511 solution to meet specific needs in your organization.

Add a real-time traffic layer

Add additional context to your Transportation 511 app by including World Traffic Service from ArcGIS Living Atlas. Part of a larger collection of Esri curated content, World Traffic Service presents historical and near real-time traffic information for different regions of the world. This dynamic traffic map service is updated every 5 minutes, includes traffic incidents and provides visualizations for different traffic speeds relative to the free flow of traffic.


World Traffic Service is licensed under the Esri Master License Agreement and is exclusive content for Esri subscribers. Use of this service requires an ArcGIS Online organization subscription or an ArcGIS developer account. ArcGIS Living Atlas subscriber content does not consume ArcGIS Online credits. See Configure Living Atlas content to enable access subscriber content.

Configure map

To leverage Esri’s World Traffic Service in your Transportation 511 app, you first must add the service to your map.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Transportation 511 map.
  2. Open the item page and click Open in Map Viewer Classic.
  3. Click Add > Browse Living Atlas Layers.
  4. Type traffic in the search text box.
  5. Click the Add button Add World Traffic Service to add it to the map.

    You may determine you do not want to display the Traffic Incidents layers from World Traffic Service as this is already a layer you will provide. Before proceeding to the next step, click the Back button and in the Contents pane, expand the World Traffic Service group layer. Uncheck the North America Traffic Incidents (or your region if outside North America) layer group to ensure these layers are not visible in the Transportation 511 app.

  6. Click Save.

Configure the app

Once the World Traffic Service layer is added to your map, additional steps are needed to configure the service to properly display in your Transportation 511 app.

Configure World Traffic Service Incidents with the Road Conditions widget

Optionally, you can display traffic incidents from World Traffic Service in the Transportation 511 app the same way as Road Condition layers are displayed from your feature collection.

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Transportation 511 app.
  2. Open the item page and click Edit Application.
  3. Click the Widget tab.
  4. Click Set the widgets in this controller.
  5. Hover over the Road Conditions widget and then click the Configure this widget button Configure this widget.
  6. Click Add Layer three times.

    Each time you click Add Layer, the following layers are added to the Road Conditions widget: Traffic Incidents Overview, Traffic Incidents Intermediate, and Traffic Incidents Detailed.


    The World Traffic Service Traffic Incident layers are scale dependent. If you want your app to display Traffic Incident information and counts at all scales, you must add all three layers to the Road Conditions widget configuration.

  7. Provide a label for each of the layers added, for example: World Traffic Service Incidents.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click Save.

Troubleshoot Overwrite Hosted Features script errors

The table below describes common errors that can occur when running the Overwrite Hosted Features script and how to resolve each.

Script errorResolution

Unable to find feature service with ID: {ID}

Verify the Item ID for your feature service and the baseURL entered for your ArcGIS organization.

Unable to find feature collection with ID: {ID}

Verify the Item ID for your feature collection and the baseURL entered for your ArcGIS organization.

File GDB: {path to zipped file geodatabase} could not be found

Verify the path and file name for your zipped file geodatabase.

Cannot add the item

Verify that the user name used in the configuration does not already own a file geodatabase item with the same name as input to the fgdb parameter.

IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: {Log File Path}

Verify that the script can write to the file path location configured for the log.

Error Processing table data – check file format, supported data types and data license

Verify that each layer in the feature service has an associated feature class in the geodatabase and that the published feature service and zipped file geodatabase contain the same number of layers.

URLOpen Error [Errno11001] getaddrinfo failed URLOpen Error [Errno11004] getaddrinfo failed

Verify that baseURL parameter contains a forward slash at the end of the address, for example,