Configure Sign Management

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.1)    |    |  

Sign Management can be used to collect roadway signs and poles, streamline inspection and maintenance activities, and understand asset conditions.

In this topic, you'll learn how to configure the Sign Management solution to meet specific needs of your organization.

Understand sign codes

The Sign Management solution defines signs by codes in the Federal Highway Administration's Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standard. The Sign Management solution uses feature templates and unique symbology to simplify the collection and visualization of commonly used signs. A common sign is a subset of an organization's full sign collection. The Sign Management solution uses the MUTCD standard to manage and drive the behavior of both the feature templates and unique symbology of commonly used signs. Many MUTCD codes include pre-configured feature templates and unique symbology. All other signs are given a default sign symbol in both 2D and 3D.

Modify sign codes and pole types

The Sign Management solution includes many types of common signs and poles. In some cases, you may want to add additional pole types and MUTCD or local sign codes to the Sign Management solution to meet your organization’s needs. You will review the Signs and Poles feature layers and identify the sign codes and pole types that your organization may want to add or remove from the Sign Management solution.

Manually update sign codes and pole types

If you only need to modify a few of the default sign codes and pole types, you can do it manually.

To manually update the domain lists, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to your Signs feature layer.
  2. Open the item page and click the Data tab.
  3. Click Fields.
  4. Click the MUTCD Code display name.
  5. In the List of Values (Domain) section, review existing codes and identify ones that are not applicable and ones that are missing.
  6. Click Edit next to List of Values (Domain).
  7. Optionally, click Delete to remove a code from the list.
  8. Optionally, to add a code, click Add, and then type the new code into the Displayed Value and Stored Value text boxes.
  9. Repeat these steps to add any remaining missing sign codes.
  10. Optionally, drag the type to a new location in the list to reorder them to change their appearance in Sign Field Map.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Repeat these steps for the Poles feature layer by updating the Pole Type field's domain.

Bulk update sign codes

If you need to modify many of the default sign codes, you can perform a bulk update.

To bulk update the domain list of values, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the MUTCD Codes CSV file deployed with the solution.
  2. Click Download, and then open the MUTCD_Codes CSV file on your computer.

    The CSV file contains two columns: one for labels and one for codes.

  3. Optionally, delete rows from the CSV file to remove codes from the list.
  4. Optionally, add rows in the CSV file to add codes to the list.
  5. Repeat these steps to add the remaining missing sign codes.
  6. Optionally, move the codes to a new location in the list to reorder them.
  7. Save the CSV file.
  8. In your ArcGIS organization, browse to the Sign Field Map.
  9. Open the item page and click Open in Field Maps.
  10. In the left panel, click Forms.
  11. In the Forms pane, under Layers, click Signs.
  12. In the form builder, scroll down and select the MUTCD Code field.
  13. In the Properties pane, click Manage list.
  14. Drag the updated MUTCD_Codes CSV file from your computer onto the List of values window or click select from your device to browse and select it from your File Explorer.
  15. Click Done and save the form to update the list.

Configure sign maps

The Sign Management solution uses feature templates and unique symbology to simplify the collection and visualization of commonly used signs. Organizations may want to configure their set of common signs by adding additional feature templates and updating unique symbols for either additional MUTCD or locally defined sign codes.

In this workflow, you will update feature templates used to define and simplify data collection for common used signs and apply unique 2D and 3D symbology.

Update feature templates

First, you will create a feature template for a common sign, which simplifies data collection and creation by preconfiguring attributes. Sign feature templates are stored in the Signs feature layer and managed in Map Viewer Classic.

To update feature templates, complete the following steps:

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Signs feature layer.
  2. Click the Open in Map Viewer down arrow, if necessary, and choose Open in Map Viewer Classic.
  3. If you see the Open in Map Viewer dialog box, click Not Right Now.
  4. Click Edit.

    The default templates for the Signs layer appear on the map.

  5. Click Manage.

    The Manage button only appears to the feature layer owner or to anyone with an Administrator role in the organization.

    A list of sign feature types and their templates appears. You can click the small arrow to the right of the template name to reorder the template's position in the list, set the template's properties, or remove the template.

    By default, each sign feature type in the Sign Management solution has one template that predefines the sign's attributes.

  6. To add a new type of feature, click the Add New Type of Feature button.
  7. For the Label property, type a label that corresponds to a domain value's label on the Signs feature layer's MUTCD Code (code) field.
  8. For the Attribute property, enter a code that corresponds to a domain value's code on the Signs feature layer's MUTCD Code (code) field.
  9. In the Symbol section, select a symbol for the sign feature type.
  10. Click Done.
  11. Click the small arrow to the right of the template under the feature type, and then click Properties.
  12. Optionally, in the Properties pop-up, populate sign attributes.

    Predefining a template's attributes helps simplify data collection and creation.

  13. Click Done.
  14. Repeat these steps for each new feature type and template.
  15. When finished, click Save Changes.

    The feature templates and their default symbology are stored on the Signs feature layer. The feature templates will now be available to simplify data collection in apps such as Sign Field Map. The Sign Management solution uses Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) symbols configured within the web maps included with the solution. To update the symbology of newly created feature templates in the Sign Management solution web maps, continue to the Update 2D symbology topic.


    To use the SVG symbols used in the Sign Management web maps, you will need to download the Transportation style file and then share it as a web style. See Share a web style to share and publish a style from ArcGIS Pro to your ArcGIS organization. After sharing the web style, the style can be used in Map Viewer. For more information, see the Use Published 2D Symbols in ArcGIS Online blog post.

Update 2D symbology

The Sign Management solution uses Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) symbols configured within the web maps according to the MUTCD standard. Many MUTCD codes include unique symbology. All other signs are given a default sign symbol in both 2D and 3D. Your organization may want to configure its set of common signs by adding unique symbols for either additional MUTCD or locally defined sign codes.

To add a unique symbol to the web maps used in the Sign Management, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Sign Field Map.
  2. Open the item page and click Open in Map Viewer.
  3. On the Contents (dark) toolbar, click Layers Layers.
  4. Select the Signs layer.

    The Signs layer's Properties pane appears.

  5. On the Settings (light) toolbar, click Styles Styles.
  6. In the Styles pane, scroll down and select Edit layer style.
  7. In the Pick a style section, select Style options.
  8. Scroll through the Sign layer's unique symbols and locate the Other section.

    At the bottom of the Other section a note says There are more than 200 unique values. Values not listed here will still display on the map in this category. To ensure the desired code to symbolize is visible in the Other section, first use the code in a record in the Signs feature layer.

  9. Browse to the desired code and click the Move value out arrow.

    The value is moved into the Types (Unique symbols) section and is given a default symbol.

  10. Click the symbol next to the desired codes value and use Symbol style to apply a unique symbol.
  11. Repeat these steps for each code to be uniquely symbolized.
  12. Repeat the steps in this section for the Sign Management Dashboard, Sign Viewer and Sign Assignment Dispatcher Map web maps.

Update 3D symbology

The Sign Management solution uses an ArcGIS CityEngine rule package (*.rpk) to visualize signs in 3D. The rule package is configured with the same predefined set of common signs symbols as the 2D symbology. You can add additional signs to the 3D symbology by updating the rule package with PNG icons representing the additional signs.

To update the 3D symbology, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Sign Data Management desktop application template.
  2. From the item page, click Download and then unzip the folder.
  3. From the unzipped folder, browse to the StreetSigns\assets\textures and open the signs folder.
  4. Copy the PNG icons for the additional signs into the folder.

    The name of the file needs to match the MUTCD code that the sign is associated with.

  5. Start ArcGIS CityEngine.
  6. From the File menu, click Import/Link Project Folder into Workspace.
  7. Browse to the StreetSigns folder and click OK.
  8. Click Finish.
  9. In the Navigator window, expand the StreetSigns/rules folder.
  10. For any signs that are not rectangular in shape, follow these steps to update the rule to provide the correct geometry for the sign:
    1. Double-click the StreetSigns.cga rule.
    2. In the StreetSigns.cga editor, scroll to the very end of the code.
    3. Add additional cases for each sign under the constant sign_shape.

      The geometry is defined by a COLLADA (.dae) file and standard sign shape files are available in the StreetSigns\assets\geometry folder. Custom shapes can be added by placing the COLLADA file in the geometry folder.

  11. Right-click the StreetSigns.cga rule and select Share As.
  12. Select Save package to file, browse to the StreetSigns folder, name the output StreetSigns.rpk, and click Save.
  13. Check Include CGA source code.
  14. Click Share.
  15. When the packaging finishes, browse to the Sign Rule Package item in your ArcGIS organization.
  16. From the item page, click Update.
  17. Click Choose File, browse to the StreetSigns.rpk file, and click Open.
  18. Click Update Item.

    See Publish a 3D sign layer to create or update a scene layer from your Signs feature layer.

Modify inspection and maintenance types

The Sign Management solution helps you assess street sign and pole condition and record maintenance activities. Inspection details and maintenance types are defined on the Signs and Poles feature layers and appear in the Sign Field Map when field staff are recording their work.

In some cases, you may want to modify inspection details and maintenance types to meet your organization’s needs.

To modify inspection and maintenance types, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to your Signs feature layer.
  2. Open the item page and click the Data tab.
  3. Click Fields.
  4. Click the Condition display name.
  5. In the List of Values (Domain) section, review existing values and identify ones that are not applicable and ones that are missing.
  6. Click Edit next to List of Values (Domain).
  7. Optionally, click the Delete button to remove a value from the list.
  8. Optionally, to add a value, click Add, and then type the new value into the Displayed Value and Stored Value text boxes.
  9. Repeat these steps to add any remaining missing values.
  10. Optionally, drag the value to a new location in the list to reorder them to change their appearance in Sign Field Map.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Repeat these steps for the Sign Reflectivity field.
  13. Click the Layer drop-down arrow and select Maintenance.
  14. Click the Maintenance type display name.
  15. Repeat the steps above to add missing maintenance types.
  16. Repeat these steps for the Poles feature layer, if necessary.

Administer field assignments

The Sign Management solution can be used to manage work such as data collection, inspections, and maintenance assigned to mobile workers. Assignment types appear in the Sign Assignments ArcGIS Workforce mobile app used by mobile workers as well as the Sign Assignments ArcGIS Workforce dispatcher view in the Sign Management Center app.

The Sign Management solution includes several assignment types. In some cases, you may want to modify assignment types to meet your organization’s needs. Mobile workers and dispatchers also need to be given roles in the Sign Assignments ArcGIS Workforce project.

To administer field assignments, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and click the Apps button Apps button in the header of the site.
  2. From the app launcher, click Workforce to open the app.
  3. Under Projects, hover over the Sign Assignments project and click Configure.
  4. Click the Assignment Types tab.
  5. In the Assignment Type section, review existing types and identify ones that are not applicable and ones that are missing.
  6. In the Enter a new type text box, type a new assignment type, and then click +Type.
  7. Click the Users tab.
  8. From the Organization User drop-down menu, select a user to add to the project.
  9. From the Project Role menu, assign the user either the dispatcher role or mobile worker role.
  10. Click +User.
  11. Click the Advanced tab.

    Each assignment type is integrated to the Sign Field Map, which allows field staff to access the Sign Field Map from the ArcGIS Workforce app. As you add new assignment types, you may want to add the Sign Field Map integration.

  12. In the ArcGIS Field Maps integration list, click Edit on any of the existing Sign Field Map integrations.
  13. Check the box next to the new assignment type, and click Next.
  14. Click Done.
  15. Optionally, remove the ArcGIS Field Maps integration for assignment types that are not needed in your organization.

    Removing the integration is necessary to remove the assignment type from the Sign Assignments ArcGIS Workforce project.

  16. Click the Assignment Types tab.
  17. To remove assignment types, click the X button.

Modify service request types

The Sign Management solution can be used to solicit sign requests for service from mobile workers as well as the general public. Service request types appear in the Sign Request ArcGIS Survey123 form.

The Sign Management solution includes two service request types. In some cases, you may want to modify service request types to meet your organization’s needs.

To modify service requests, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ArcGIS Survey123 Connect and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  2. Click Sign Request to download the survey.
  3. In the Download window, click Download and click OK.
  4. Click Sign Request to open the survey.
  5. On the left, from the side toolbar, click the XLSForm button.
  6. At the bottom of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, click the choices tab.

    This tab comprises all the selectable options for survey questions.

  7. In the list_name column, type reqtype.
  8. Type the new service request, type in the name and label columns.
  9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for each new service request type.
  10. Save and close the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and preview your changes in ArcGIS Survey123 Connect.
  11. In ArcGIS Survey123 Connect, in the left toolbar, click Publish to publish your changes.
  12. Click Publish survey to publish your changes, and then click OK.

Publish a 3D sign layer

The 3D Sign Notebook can be used by mapping technicians to create and update a scene layer used to visualize traffic signs in 3D. Because multiple signs can be attached to the same pole, it can be challenging to view all the signs at a given location in 2D. 3D helps to visualize and communicate the signs on at given pole or along the roadway.

The Sign Management solution uses an ArcGIS CityEngine rule package (*.rpk) to visualize the signs in 3D. The rule package uses the following fields to generate the 3D symbol. If a field value is blank, the default value will be used.



Type of sign

All Other Signs (other)


Height (dimension) of the sign



Width (dimension) of the sign


Sign Dimension Units

Unit of measure of sign dimensions


Mounting Height

Height above ground measured to base of sign


Mounting Height Units

Unit of measure of mounting height


Facing Direction

Direction the sign is facing


Sign Text

Text displayed on sign

The rule package is configured with the same predefined set of common sign symbols as the 2D symbology.

See Update 3D Symbology to add additional 3D symbols to the rule package. In addition, only the following signs will honor the Sign Text field:
  • Street Name (1 line) - (D3-1)
  • Speed Limit - (R2-1)
  • Interstate Route Sign - (M1-1)
  • Off-Interstate Business Route Sign - (Loop) (M1-2)
  • U.S. Route Sign - (M1-4)
  • State Route Sign - (M1-5)
  • County Route Sign - (M1-6)
  • Forest Route - (M1-7)

Create a sign scene layer

The 3D Sign Notebook can be used to create and update a scene layer used to visualize traffic signs in 3D. The first time the notebook runs, it publishes a new scene layer and updates the Sign Viewer (3D) web scene to point to the new scene layer. This scene layer represents a static snapshot of the assets stored in the Signs feature layer. As new signs are added, updated, or removed from the Signs feature layer, you will need to re-run the notebook to refresh scene layer.

Subsequent runs of the notebook will publish a temporary scene layer using the latest features in the Signs feature layer, update the source of the original scene layer to point to the new scene layer, and clean up the temporary scene layer.


To complete this workflow, you must be assigned a role of Administrator or a custom role that includes the privilege to create, edit, and schedule ArcGIS Notebooks.

To create or update the sign scene layer, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the 3D Sign Notebook item.
  2. Open the item page and click Open Notebook.
  3. From the Kernel menu, click Restart & Run All.
  4. Click Restart and Run All Cells.

    As the notebook runs, messages will be printed beneath each cell to indicate the progress. When finished, a message will state that the scene layer update is complete.

  5. Exit the notebook and open the Sign Viewer app to view the 3D signs.

    When you re-run the notebook and update the scene layer, you may need to clear your browser cache or open the browser in incognito or private mode to see the updated signs.

Schedule automatic updates

The notebook can be scheduled to run at a regular interval to update the scene layer to reflect the latest sign collection defined in the Signs feature layer.

To schedule automatic updates, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the 3D Sign Notebook item.
  2. Open the item page and click Open Notebook.
  3. Click Tasks.
  4. Click Create Task.
  5. For Title, type 3D Sign Task and click Next.
  6. Set the schedule for your notebook to run.
  7. Click Create Task to finish scheduling the notebook.