Use Transit Safety

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.1)    |    |  

The Transit Safety solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you document events (accidents, incidents, and occurrences), report hazards, create work assignments, dispatch field staff for mitigation activities, and monitor the status of safety events and hazards across the transit system.

In this topic, you’ll learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the workflows below.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

Report safety events

You’ll assume the role of safety manager. You just received information about an incident that occurred on one of your rail lines. You will use Transit Event Reporter to add the safety event and send a report to the state oversight committee.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Transit Safety solution.
  2. View the Transit Safety Manager app.
  3. Click the Help button Help in the upper right corner of the app.
  4. Click the Input New Event button.
  5. In the Transit Event Reporter survey, fill in the following details:
    • For Location, click the map.
    • For Date of event, choose a date and time.
    • For Date of report, choose a date and time.
    • Click the Event Type drop-down arrow and choose Incident.
    • Type INCI-587 in the Event ID text box.
    • Click the Mode drop-down arrow and choose Tram, Light Rail, Streetcar.
    • Type OID-43 in the Operator text box.
    • Type 3001 in the Vehicle ID text box.
    • Type 1 in the Number injured text box.
    • Type the following in the Initial summary text box: An 83-year-old female fell shortly after departure of the transit vehicle. The fall was initiated by the sudden movement of the vehicle after it left the station.
  6. Click Submit.

Manage safety events

You’ll assume the role of safety manager. You have just received a new event report and need to send the report to the state and follow the event throughout the investigation period.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Transit Safety solution.
  2. View the Transit Safety Manager app.
  3. In the left panel, click the Events map.
  4. Click the event you reported in the previous section.

    The event details appear under the table. You have determined that this event requires sending information to the transit oversight committee.

  5. On the Details tab, click the Email Event Report button.

    An email opens with the specific event details. Fill in an email address and any other important details. You can send the email to the necessary recipients.

  6. Return to the Transit Safety Manager app.

    You will now update the status of the report. After a week, new details about the event become available. You will add these details to the report.

  7. On the Details tab, click the Edit button Edit.
  8. Fill in the following details:
    • Click the Status drop-down arrow and choose Continued Investigation.
    • Type One light rail car in the Involved Vehicles text box.
    • Click the Weather drop-down arrow and choose Sunny.
    • Type 58 in the Temperature text box.
    • Type 0 in the Damage Estimate text box.
    • Click the D&A Testing drop-down arrow and choose No.
  9. Click Save.

    After some time, you are now ready to complete the investigation and decide on a probable cause.

  10. Click the Edit button.
  11. Fill in the following details:
    • Click the Status drop-down arrow and choose Final Report.
    • Click the Probable Cause drop-down arrow and choose Slips and Falls.
    • Type fall during initial acceleration of light rail in the Detailed Probable Cause text box.
    • Click the Preventable drop-down arrow and choose No.
  12. Click Save.
  13. On the Details tab, click the Print Final Report button to view the sample result.
  14. Click the Edit button.
  15. Fill in the following details:
    • Click the Status drop-down arrow and choose Event Closed.
    • For Date Closed, choose the current date.
  16. Click Save.

Report safety hazards

You’ll assume the role of a transit agency employee. You need to report a hazard that you found at a bus stop. You will use Transit Hazard Reporter to add the safety hazard.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Transit Safety solution.
  2. View the Transit Hazard Reporter survey.
  3. Fill in the following details:
    • For Location, click the map.
    • For Date of hazard, select a date and time.
    • Click the Hazard type drop-down arrow and choose Unsafe Conditions.
    • Type There is ice at the bus stop in the Descriptions text box.
    • Click Select image file to upload a photo.
    • For Would you like to report anonymously, click No.
    • For Identity, click Contractor.
    • Type your name in the Name text box.
    • Type your email in the Email text box.
    • Type your phone number in the Phone text box.
  4. Click Submit.

Manage safety hazards

You will now assume the role of a transit safety manager. You need to mitigate all hazards that relate to your transit system. You will access the risk of the hazard, assign mitigation activities, and submit a final risk assessment for the hazard.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Transit Safety solution.
  2. View the Transit Safety Manager app.
  3. In the left panel, click the Hazards map.
  4. Click the hazard you reported in the previous section.

    The hazard details appear under the table.

  5. On the Details tab, click the Edit button Edit.
  6. Fill in the following details:
    • Type HAZ-123 in the Hazard ID text box.
    • Click the Risk Score Pre-Mitigation drop-down arrow and choose 3E.
    • Click the Risk Value (pre) drop-down arrow and choose Medium.
    • Type your name in the Risk Assessor (pre) text box.

      The risk values and score are modeled on the Mil Standard 882E. Assign both a score and a value to complete the risk assessment.

  7. Click Save.

    The risk score premitigation is now populated with a visual representation of your risk score. You have determined that mitigation is necessary for this risk. You will now add related mitigation activities to the hazard.

  8. Click the Related Information tab.
  9. Click Add Record.
  10. Fill in the following details:
    • Click the Mitigation Type drop-down arrow and choose Maintenance.
    • Type Facilities - Bus Stops in the Manager Responsible text box.
    • Type Apply salt to bus stop to remove ice in the Details text box.
  11. Click Save.

    Now that you have created mitigation assignments, you will update the status of your hazard.

  12. Click the Details tab.
  13. Click the Edit button.
  14. Click the Status drop-down arrow and choose Mitigation in progress.
  15. Click Save.
  16. Assign field staff to complete mitigation activities.

    Use the Create Work Assignment button to launch a workforce app where you can assign field activities. Field staff can then use the Transit Mitigation Assignments ArcGIS Workforce project to manage their work assignments and the Transit Field Mitigations ArcGIS Field Maps map to update the action taken and close the mitigation activity.

    Update the hazard status to reflect that the fieldwork for this mitigation is complete.

  17. Click the Related Information tab.
  18. Click the Edit button.
  19. Fill in the following details:
    • Click the Status drop-down arrow and choose Closed.
    • Type Salt applied and ice removed in the Action Taken text box.
    • For Date Complete, choose the current date.
  20. Click Save.

    You will now close the hazard.

  21. Click the Details tab.
  22. Click the Edit button.
  23. Fill in the following details:
    • Click the Status drop-down menu and choose Closed.
    • Click the Risk Score Post-Mitigation drop-down arrow and choose 4C.
    • Click the Risk Value (post) drop-down arrow and choose Low.
    • Type your name in the Risk Assessor (Post) text box.
    • For Date Closed, choose the current date.
  24. Click Save.

Monitor safety performance

You are the Transit Safety manager interested in understanding the performance of your Safety Management Program and searching for areas of improvement. You will view the status of the program and then look in detail at both hazards and events.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Transit Safety solution.
  2. View the Transit Safety Dashboard app.

    The Transit Safety Dashboard opens with the Overview tab active.

    The Overview tab displays infographics of events and hazards. This information gives management a quick overview of the number of events and hazards in the last 90 days and their performance relative to the previous 90 days.

  3. Click the Events tab.

    The Events tab allows a safety manager to monitor how their department is doing when it comes to investigating events.

    In the report, charts are linked. As you click and select a category in one chart, related details are filtered and updated in other charts on the report to allow a manager to identify issues and areas that need attention.

  4. Click the Hazards tab.

    The Hazards tab allows a safety manager to monitor how their department is doing when it comes to assessing and mitigating hazards.

    In the report, charts are linked. As you click and select a category in one chart, related details are filtered and updated in other charts on the report to allow a manager to identify issues and areas that need attention.

  5. Click the arrow on the left side of the app to display the side panel. You can pin the side panel to the dashboard by clicking the pin in the upper right corner.

    The side panel allows you to apply several event and hazard filters. You can filter by Occurrence Date, Event Type, Event Mode, and Hazard Type by clicking the drop-down and choosing a filter.