Use Sustainable Development Goals

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.1)    |    |  

Sustainable Development Goals can be used to share progress made on the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals, and their key indicators, with the public and other interested stakeholders.

In this topic, you’ll learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the workflows below.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

Explore the SDG initiative

According to the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Report 2022, progress has been made on internationally comparable data, and SDG monitoring can occur. But more detailed, timely, and disaggregated data is needed to fully understand progress. Furthermore, without geographic context and the disaggregated data, it is difficult to understand whether vulnerable population groups are progressing at the same rate as the entire population.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a resident in the community who wants to learn more about Sustainable Development Goals and how well the community is performing across a variety of goals.

  1. In a browser, browse to the Our SDGs site.
  2. Scroll down to the Sustainable Development Goals section and click a goal.

    The associated Sustainable Development Goals dashboard appears at the top of the site. Each dashboard displays a summary of the current indicator, the target, current values, and historical values or trends.

  3. Choose an indicator and click the Map tab.

    This tab displays a map of the indicator. The value displayed is for the selected reporting area.

  4. Click the Table tab.

    This tab provides additional details for the indicator.

  5. Click the Chart tab, and then, in the upper left corner of the dashboard, click a new category, subcategory, or geography from the menu to explore performance further.
  6. Scroll down to the Sustainable Development Goals section and click another SDG to view the corresponding goal and related indicators.
  7. At the top-left corner of the page, click Our SDGs to return to the site, and then scroll down to the Reporting Status section.
  8. Click Launch App.

    The dashboard that appears highlights the status of SDG data reporting. The status demonstrates progress being made to organize data required to measure SDG progress.

Provide feedback on the SDG initiative

Feedback helps you understand how well your Sustainable Development Goals initiative aligns with community expectations and needs. Information gathered from the community can be used to improve your Our SDGs site and performance reporting.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a resident in the community who wants to provide feedback after reviewing the Sustainable Development Goals and the indicators used to measure performance.

  1. Scroll down to the Tell Us How We’re Doing section and click Share Feedback to open the SDG Survey survey.
  2. Complete the SDG Survey form and click Submit.

Share SDG activities

Everyone must come together—governments, civil society, scientists, academia, and the private sector—to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. Collectively, organizations can advance a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a local nonprofit program lead who wants to share an activity they are undertaking to advance an SDG.

  1. In a browser, browse to the Our SDGs site.
  2. Scroll down to the SDG Activities and Projects section and click Share Activity to open the SDG Activities survey.
  3. Complete the SDG Activities form and click Submit.

Review SDG activities

Activities or partnerships that support connections between Sustainable Development Goals enhance their effectiveness and impact, and accelerate progress.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a program manager who wants to learn more about partner activities that are advancing Sustainable Development Goals in the community.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the SDG Activity Dashboard app.
  2. On the left, use filters to refine results by goal, primary focus, or date.
  3. Use the graph to filter and explore activities by type of organization.
  4. In the Activities list, click an activity to zoom to it on the map and open a pop-up with more information.