Use Election Results

ArcGIS Enterprise (10.9.1)    |    |  

The Election Results solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you organize map-based election results, share results for each elected office or proposal, and communicate voter turnout for one or more jurisdictions.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

Explore Election Results

You are a member of the general public who wants to explore the results of an election in your community.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Election Results solution.
  2. View the Election Results app.
  3. Under Elected Offices, explore additional contests using the filters in the left panel.

    Both the map and the results graph at the bottom update when the contests are selected.

  4. Under Area of interest, click the Municipality button.

    Both the map and Elected Offices list update to display contests by municipality rather than precinct. You can use Election Results to display results by any jurisdiction type such as state, county, municipality, or precinct.

  5. Select a Municipality on the map to view the candidate who received the most votes for the currently selected elected office.
  6. Select a municipality from the Area of interest drop-down menu.

    The map, results graph, and voter turnout metrics update to display results for the municipality.

  7. Select the Proposal tab on the bottom of the dashboard.
  8. Explore the different proposals with the selectors on the left panel.
  9. Explore the proposal results using the Area of interest options, Proposals list, and map.
  10. Select the Voter Turnout tab on the bottom of the dashboard.
  11. Explore voter turnout using the Area of interest options and map.

In this topic
  1. Explore Election Results