Raster dataset properties

AllSource 1.3    |

The Properties dialog box lists the details associated with raster data types, including raster datasets, raster products, and mosaic datasets. There is general information for all data and information from the metadata associated with raster products and mosaic datasets:

  • Data source
  • Raster information
  • Extent
  • Spatial reference
  • Statistics
  • Geodata transform
  • Raster metadata
  • Wavelength

Raster properties information can be accessed from the raster layer in the Contents pane or from the dataset in the Catalog pane. This topic will describe the properties as they appear when accessed from the Catalog pane.

To view the raster properties, right-click the raster and select Properties. Some properties can be edited directly in the properties window, and others can be modified using the Set Raster Properties tool.

Mosaic datasets have additional properties to control their behavior. For more information, see Mosaic dataset properties.

General properties

The General properties tab contains information specific to the storage format and other information used to support the format and display the data.

Data Source

The Data Source section describes the raster dataset's name, type, and file location or server information.

If viewing the properties for a raster product, no data source information will be displayed.

Raster information

The Raster information section lists the raster-specific properties, including the following:

  • Number of columns and rows (of pixels)
  • Number of bands
  • Cell size (x,y)
  • Uncompressed size
  • Format
  • Source type
  • Pixel type (unsigned/signed, integer/floating point)
  • Pixel depth/Bit depth (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64)
  • NoData value
  • Colormap (present/absent)
  • Pyramids
  • Compression type
  • Mensuration Capabilities
  • Geodata transformation (defined/undefined)

The Source Type property controls how the data is rendered by default.

  • Generic—Uses the application defaults for resampling and stretching.
  • Elevation—Applies bilinear resampling and a Min-Max stretch.
  • Thematic—Applies nearest neighbor resampling and a Standard Deviation stretch.
  • Processed—No stretch is applied.
  • Scientific—Uses the Multipart Color Scheme to display the data.
  • Vector-UV—Uses the U and V components in the vector field renderer.
  • Vector-MagDir—Uses the magnitude and direction in the vector field renderer.
  • Vector-Magnitude—Uses the magnitude in the vector field renderer.
  • Vector-Direction—Uses the direction in the vector field renderer.

The Mensuration Capabilities options are determined by the data source and grouped into these five categories:

  • Basic—The Distance, Area, Point Location, and Centroid Location mensuration tools can be used. These tools will be available with all the other options, except None.
  • 3D—The measurements made using the tools available with the Basic option can be modified using a DEM.
  • Height—The sensor model exists for datasets within the mosaic dataset; therefore, the Height: Using Base To Top mensuration tool can be used.
  • Shadow—The sensor model and sun angle information exists for datasets within the mosaic dataset; therefore, the Height: Using Base To Top, Height: Using Base To Top Shadow, and Height: Using Top To Top Shadow mensuration tools can be used.
  • None—The user will not be able to use the mensuration tools in ArcGIS with this dataset.

The Geodata Transform property specifies whether a geodata transformation has been defined for the raster. A transformation in a raster dataset defines how the pixels will be transformed when displayed or accessed as well as the output spatial reference of the raster dataset after the transformation is applied (rectified). A geodata transform is the mathematical model that geometrically transforms the pixels. Each transformation can be defined through a set of parameters used by a geodata transform.

Raster Metadata

Raster products include the Raster Metadata section, which lists the sensor and product information. Properties in this section include sensor name, product level, imagery acquisition date, sun and sensor elevation and azimuth angle, and the off-nadir angle.

Band Metadata

The Band Metadata section provides information for each band in the raster. Raster products will include information such as the color name, wavelength range, the radiance gain, radiance bias, and solar irradiance. All other raster datasets will only contain the band index value.


The Extent section describes the rectangle or boundary containing the raster dataset. The top, bottom, left, and right coordinates of the rectangle are listed in the same spatial reference units in which the raster is stored.

Spatial Reference

The raster dataset's coordinate system is described in the Spatial Reference section. All the spatial reference's parameters are listed. A raster dataset can have an undefined coordinate system.

Click the Spatial Reference button Select Coordinate System to define the spatial reference in the Properties window.


The Statistics section lists the statistics for each band in the raster:

  • Minimum pixel value
  • Maximum pixel value
  • Mean pixel value
  • Standard deviation
  • Number of classes

To calculate statistics for a raster dataset, use the Calculate Statistics tool.

Multidimensional Info

Multidimensional raster datasets and multidimensional mosaic datasets have the Multidimensional Info tab containing information about the variables and dimensions included in the dataset. Any dataset with the Multidimensional Info properties can be visualized and processed with the tools and capabilities on the Multidimensional tab.


The information displayed on the Multidimensional Info tab (if available) includes the following for each variable in the dataset:

  • Variable name
  • Description
  • Unit
  • Presence or absence of a colormap
  • Dimension name
  • Dimension description
  • Dimension unit
  • Dimension interval
  • Minimum and maximum dimension values
  • Count of slices
  • List of dimension values
  • Presence or absence of transpose

The variable name, description, and unit are editable properties. The Colormap property can be edited directly on the properties dialog box for multidimensional rasters containing integer data.


For multidimensional rasters in Cloud Raster Format (.crf), the Properties section includes the presence or absence of a multidimensional transpose, and you can set the default variable for display and analysis.