Create a multidimensional mosaic dataset

AllSource 1.3    |

This workflow shows the steps needed to create a mosaic dataset using multidimensional variables with time and vertical dimensions. While this workflow describes how to add data from a netCDF file into a mosaic dataset, the same concepts can be used to add data from HDF and GRIB files.

Create a mosaic dataset from netCDF files

  1. Create a mosaic dataset using the Create Mosaic Dataset geoprocessing tool.
  2. Add data using the Add Rasters to Mosaic Dataset geoprocessing tool.
  3. Choose the netCDF raster type.
  4. Specify the input file or input files, or workspace that contains the files.
  5. Open the Raster Type Properties page.
  6. In the Variable tab, check the variable name or variable names you want to add.
    1. Optionally, remove the variables you don’t need.

      If you don’t set any variables, all the variables are added.

      The system standardizes the time and vertical dimension values whenever possible. If you want the original dimension values added to the mosaic dataset in addition to the standardized values, check the Copy the original dimension values check box.

    2. You can also add a variable by clicking the Add button and typing in the variable name.
  7. Click OK to run the tool to add data.
  8. The statistics of the mosaic dataset calculate based on the mosaicked pixels. Optionally, if you want to calculate statistics for each item, and have a total minimum and maximum values of all items, then perform calculate statistics using the Build Pyramids and Statistics geoprocessing tool.
    1. Specify the mosaic dataset you just created as your input.
    2. Check the Build Pyramids option.
    3. Expend the Statistics Options and check the Estimate mosaic dataset statistics check box.
    4. Click OK to run the tool.

View multidimensional properties

When a multidimensional mosaic dataset is created from netCDF, HDF, or GRIB files using the workflow above, the variable and dimension information is imported into the mosaic dataset. The information is available in the Multidimensional Info tab in the Mosaic Dataset Properties pane. Each variable is listed separately, with subtabs containing information about the dimensions associated with the variable.

View the multidimensional raster precipitation variable and the time dimension information from the Multidimensional Info tab in the Mosaic Dataset Properties window

The Multidimensional Info tab is also available under the Source tab in the mosaic dataset Layer Properties.