Use multiple ranges

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Defining more than one range for a layer allows you to switch between ranges. When you specify multiple ranges for a layer, only one range can be active—and therefore connected to the on-screen range slider control—at a time. All other ranges are locked and act like definition queries on the layer, filtering out features that do not satisfy their criteria. You can switch the active and locked range for a layer at any time and the range slider values reconfigure to the updated settings. You can do this to visually inspect multidimensional data to look for emerging patterns from a combination of multiple attributes.

Range properties are applied per view. You can have the same layer appear in two views, but have the range definition set differently to show different values per view. For example, you are interested in the available rental space in a building with a room capacity of more than four people and fewer than four people. Using two views, you can display the same layer with the building floors as a range, and the room occupancy as a range. You can use the range slider to scroll through the floors of the building and view the available rooms at the occupancy you are interested in, per view.

When more than one layer has a range property defined, the extent of the range slider covers all values from all layers. You must consider the active range for all layers in a map when working with multiple layers with ranges. This workflow is best suited for layers that share common schema elements, for example, if several layers in the map contain an Occupancy attribute.

Locked ranges

If you have more than one range defined for a layer, you can choose which of these is actively displayed by the slider. By default, on the Properties dialog box, the first range added is connected to the range slider, and all subsequently added ranges for that layer are locked. Locked ranges act like a definition query applied to the layer but are not actively displayed. You can confirm which is locked by hovering over the range. To switch the active range, click the locked range button Locked Ranges on the properties page. That range becomes active.

Multiple ranges set for a layer.

Only one range can be active at a time to use with the range slider. All other ranges act like definition queries applied to the layer.

Alternatively, you can switch the Active Range selection on the Range tab.

In this topic
  1. Locked ranges